Thursday, December 31, 2009


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Blue Moon?

Tonite is an astronomer's wet dream. Did I just say that? I know very little about astrology, but the moon in our skies is a blue one, or more precisely the second full moon of the month, with a partial eclipse, and it's made of (blue) cheese. It's also New Years Eve. The term, "once in a blue moon" has come to mean seldom, rarely, or perhaps never. Apply this as you wish, to whatever may be your current milieux. A full moon is prone to wreak emotional intensity or mahyem. Wolves howl at them, and singers sing about them.

"Blue Moon" is a Rogers and Hart standard. Lorenz Hart wrote four different sets of lyrics to it for four different Hollywood films. The one that stuck, has been recorded by hundreds of artists, and the Elvis Presley version of 1954, is in my mind, one of the most beautiful and haunting records ever recorded. Sam Phillips summoned up some real magic that day in Memphis. Another beautiful and different song of the same name, was recorded by Big Star, in the same city twenty years later with another shaman producer--the late great Jim Dickinson--at the helm.

Bill Monroe's 1947 hit, "Blue Moon of Kentucky" is also a standard, in bluegrass, country, and rock 'n roll. Elvis recorded it in the same sessions that yielded "Blue Moon." In Monroe's version, it's a sad, and plaintive waltz to a lost love ("It was on a moonlight night/ The stars were shining bright/ and they whispered from on high/ Your love has said goodbye"). The stars are whispering to Monroe and he asks the moon to shine on the one that's gone and left him blue." Bill Monroe was a spiritual man, and made some of the spookiest records I know. In some folktales, a blue moon has a face and talks to those in it's light. Elvis, states the same, but asks a favor of the moon in a new set of lyrics for the introduction, "Keep on shining bright and bring me back my baby tonite."

What does all this mean? I haven't a clue. Consult an astrologer.

Happy New Year, and may the moon shine on you and yours, brightly, tonight.
(courtesy of

Happy New Year to all!!!!

2009 was supposed to be a year of hope, ended up being the year to cower to the REAL powers that be, The Corporations! So much for REFORM and REBUILDING, huh?
Here's hoping 2010 is better and that Obama and his fellow Dems grow balls.....

Fixing 2012: Obama moves to eliminate superdelegates

A move to head off revolt in 2012?
Breaking rules, changing rules, manipulating rules, ignoring rules: this politician learned a great deal in Chicago.
December 31, 2009
Ed Lasky
When one looks back at the origin of the Democratic Party endowing so-called super-delegates with power to influence nominations for the Presidency it is apparent that the rules were meant to tamp down on any radicalization in the party a la George McGovern. Elder party leaders and current Congressmen became super-delegates. They had the ability to check popular excesses or tamp down choices that might be perceived as being too radical for America as a whole.
One of the key reasons Barack Obama won the nomination is because of his early primary success in so-called caucus states: where his campaign was able to tap, and influence, individuals rather than relying on party leaders. His campaign won on a wave of populism: the type of mindlessness the super-delegate process was designed to tamp down.
Even down to the wire, there was hope in the Hillary Clinton campaign that super-delegates would come to her rescue.
Now, Obama and his minions, are gearing up to kill off super-delegates in a bid to help ensure his re-nomination in 2012. Jonathan Martin and Ben Smith of Politico have the story:

Democrats are moving to eliminate from the party's national convention the superdelegates, the elected officials and party leaders whose role in the presidential nominating process came under intense scrutiny in last year's closely-contested primary.
Those superdelegates provided, for a time, a lifeline to then-Sen.
Hillary Clinton's flagging campaign, and the effective end of their independent role would be a major step toward reshaping the Democratic Party - and its internal politics - in President Barack Obama's image.
A group created by the Democratic National Committee to examine the role of the superdelegates, the Democratic Change
Commission - steered by the Obama campaign's top delegate counter, Jeff Berman - held a conference call Wednesday to recommend that these unpledged delegates cast their votes based upon the electoral results of their states rather than on personal preference.
The recommendations of the commission, co-chaired by House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri, will now go before the DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee.
While the elimination of superdelegates isn't likely to have any impact in 2012, when the party is all but certain to renominate President Obama, commission members say it will help democratize future presidential primaries.
"I think the goal here was to get away from what felt like almost a disenfranchisement at some point in time to the voters and to the caucus members in the various states," McCaskill said.

Would sitting Congressman-who are facing pressure by supporting Obama and his policies be reluctant to vote to re-nominate him in 2012? Whether that is true will be irrelevant if Obama's plans to take away their power reach fruition.
This looks likely to happen as the three key players are all close allies of Barack Obama.

The closure of 2009.

2009 has come to an end. & there's alot to remember for the year 2009!

I had wanted to finish this post before 12 yst. But halfway through it, suddenly my door bell rang, and my maid ran to my room to tell me my friends were outside. EH, 11PLUS LEHH, I WAS ALR DRESSED IN PJs LOR! hahahhaha.

So, changed out immediately & went out to find JH & Wilson standing at my door armed with BGL chicken mcnuggets, drinks &chips! soooo, in the end, we spent the night downstairs and in my room, playing cards & etc!. + EAT EAT & EAT. urgh. & currently I'm still having a food party at home :( Mom's idea.


SO HERE'S SOME OF THE EVENTS OF 2009 WHICH I CAN REMEMBER! (In no order of sequence)...

1) SHEESHA-ING! did this after school, was a friday night & I still remember buying this black dress cos that day I felt that my clothes was fucking ugly. Before that, was alr quarelling w Terry & Sheeshaing made things worst. " Its worst than cigarettes #$&*@&&*(#*)@..." niam niam niam.... HAHAHHAA.

& omg, look at JH's face & his hair! NOW HE LOOKS SO MUCH older! okay, not that he's very young alr, when I turn his age, I'll alr have a kid luh...tsktsk.. HAHAHAHAH! HE CFM KILL ME!

2) STOPPED PHOTOSHOOTS. urgh, Terry doesnt approve of my photoshoots:( but, I did more events etc etc.

a. Appeared in one of the diploma's brochure! Hehh Hehhh, My mum event went to get it laminated!

b. Found myself on the school's glass panel after Jared told me to go seee. HAHAHAHA. yesyes, sadly, with the Jimmy Neutron hair they did for me.

more moreeee......

c. & worked for 100plus events for quite a few times. credits to Weiliang once again.

3) FLEW TO PARIS ALONE WITH LIL COUSIN. whooo, felt damn independent & proud of my excellent knowledge about airport/airplane C/I procedures, gates & information etc! (HAHAHA. WON'T BE HUMBLE & WON'T DENY EITHER!)

Hated being in Paris though cos of my Bird/ Pigeon phobia. My life's governed by pigeons, & its kinda sad actually. CRYING UNDER THE EIFFEL TOWER, god, its fucking embarrassing.

whoo, had been waiting for a mega long time to be legal! (& Now that I am, Its nth differnt actually, just a leveled-up IC!) + Major 2 hr pukefest ( Totally learnt how much it sucked to drink till you puke.)

5) Travelled Out of SGP With Terry!



6) WENT ONBOARD CRUISE & MADE NEW FRIENDS! Made my cruise trip less boring cos we spent the night exploring the cruise, broke into a restaurant, Went to No-Entry areas, Watched a Lil of the topless show without paying & spent time in their cabin playing w makeup!

7) HANGED OUT AT NIGHT+ TON MORE FREQUENTLY! okay, this makes me age, grow i-bags, grow fat etc. But night breeze and all's good!


9) FINISHED MY OP! YAY! successful dry palms despite the complications. Woohooo, so unlike Wewwson!

10) Checked in...whoo, gain independence!

11)Rasa Sentosa-ed lalalalalallalallaaa.

. drank, staged, poled.

Oh yes, butter last week & here's the album:


ALRIGHTOS, SO THESE WERE SOME EVENTS TT TOOK PLACE IN 2009! though there's one more thing not accomplished like how much I wished It was:( I'll get it done this year 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010!!!! hehh hehh.

Oh yes, one more thing i forgot to add in, this year, I passed one year with Terry. 1year4mths to be exact. Kind of a big deal to me, cos if I can tahan someone for a year OR they can tahan me for a year, it really shows alot!



Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kwanzaa Principle of the Day

Kuumba (Creativity) :To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

FELIZ 2010


Fashion Quote of the Day

"Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without zest.”-Christian Dior

Five New Looks for Spring 2010!

1. All White Everything
2. Nouveau Prints
3. Utilitarian Chic
4.Ruffles and Laces
5.Pretty Pastels

pride, envy, and a sense of inferiority - that's what little jihadi's are made of

"They (the West) did it" is far easier than looking inward to address tribalism, gender apartheid, statism, autocracy, religious intolerance, and fundamentalism, which in perfect-storm fashion ensure an impoverished — and resentful and angry — radical Islamic community while the rest of the world moves merrily on.
... it is time to stop the apologetics and kowtowing, and grudgingly accept that thousands of radical Islamic fundamentalists worldwide want to kill Americans — and dozens of governments, at least on the sly, hope that they do.
Learning from Abdul Mutallab
December 29, 2009
by Victor Davis Hanson
NRO’s The Corner
Coming on the heels of the killing spree by Maj. Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, the latest terrorist "incident," involving Abdul Mutallab on Northwest Flight 253, is yet another isolated but tell-tale sign that we must learn from:
1) If solidly middle-class Westernized Muslims mouth the al-Qaeda line of radical Islamic, anti-American boilerplate, please take them seriously — i.e., worry less about their feelings and more about the lives of innocents they may in the future seek to annihilate. The more upscale and the more the Western exposure, the more there is to worry about.
2) For the last eight years, many have patiently tried to suggest that the answer to "Why do they hate us?" does not entail poverty, Western imperialism or colonialism, support for Israel, past provocations, etc. Rather, radical Islam encourages in an Hasan or Mutallab age-old passions like pride, envy, and a sense of inferiority — all accelerated by instantaneous communications and abetted by continual Western apologetics that on a global level blame Westerners for self-induced misery in many Islamic countries. "They did it" is far easier than looking inward to address tribalism, gender apartheid, statism, autocracy, religious intolerance, and fundamentalism, which in perfect-storm fashion ensure an impoverished — and resentful and angry — radical Islamic community while the rest of the world moves merrily on.
3) I think the year-long mantra of "Bush destroyed the Constitution" is now almost over, and we will begin again worrying about our collective safety rather than scoring partisan points by citing supposed excesses in our anti-terrorism efforts. With the delay in closing Guantanamo (from the promised shuttering on Jan. 20, 2010 to . . . sometime in 2011?), Obama's quiet copy-catting of Bush security protocols (such as wiretaps, intercepts, tribunals, and renditions), and the popular outcry against the upcoming show trial of KSM in New York, a public consensus is growing that radical Muslims like Hasan and Mutallab will continue to attempt to kill Americans. Citizens increasingly understand that the last eight years of relative safety following 9/11 were due only to heightened security at home and proactive use of force abroad, that we should cease trying to appease radical Islam by dreaming up new euphemisms ("overseas contingency operations," "man-made disasters," etc.), and that it is time to stop the apologetics and kowtowing, and grudgingly accept that thousands of radical Islamic fundamentalists worldwide want to kill Americans — and dozens of governments, at least on the sly, hope that they do. Such venom has nothing to do with past American behavior or George Bush's strut, nor can it be ameliorated on the cheap by Barack Obama's Nobel Prize, middle name, or reset-button diplomacy.
4) As we learned on 9/11, it is often the unsung heroes among us that come out of the shadows to aid us, and not necessarily large bureaucracies entrusted with our safety. Individuals acting on their own so often make the difference between salvation and mass murder.
5) After the embarrassing debate about Hasan (e.g., "Was he a terrorist?"; second-hand post-traumatic stress syndrome, etc.), I don't think the public will put up with similar contextualization about Mutallab.
6) The politics of anti-terrorism in this administration will insidiously begin to change, given that there was no repeat of 9/11 between 2001 and 2009 — and that thereafter, signs began to emerge that radical Muslims were reenergized and eager to trump their feat of eight years ago. In such a climate, one must worry more about the passengers on Flight 253 and less about whether self-confessed mass murderer and beheader KSM is given a public venue to explain his hatred of the United States, and is granted rights usually not accorded to such out-of-uniform and self-proclaimed terrorist enemies. So a little more "Beware of radical Muslim terrorists who want to murder us — and won't!" and a little less chest-thumping about dropping the supposedly retrograde "War on Terror."

Universities & colleges are a jihadi breeding ground

Abdulmutallab is the fourth president of a London student Islamic society to face terrorist charges in three years
Security sources are concerned that the picture emerging of his undergraduate years suggests that he was recruited by al-Qaeda in London. Security sources said that Islamist radicalisation was rife on university campuses, especially in London, and that college authorities had “a patchy record in facing up to the problem”. Previous anti-terrorist inquiries have uncovered evidence of extremists using political meetings and religious study circles to identify potential recruits.
He is the fourth president of a London student Islamic society to face terrorist charges in three years. One is facing a retrial on charges that he was involved in the 2006 liquid bomb plot to blow up airliners. Two others have been convicted of terrorist offences since 2007.
Mr Abdulmutallab left UCL last year. The Times has learnt that his attempt to renew his student visa in May this year was based on an application to study “life coaching” at a non-existent college...

Can he remake America before the next elections? - VDH

... we should expect new government agencies and thousands more government employees — all working in concert with their foreign counterparts to monitor American(s)...
Controversial decisions are quietly announced late on Friday afternoons. Congressional debates and votes on controversial legislation happen on weekends and holidays — all the better to ensure that the American people won’t tune in to see the making of what they don’t want but must have.
... Such is always the way of the guardian class, from Platonic fantasy to its darker manifestations as so aptly depicted by Orwell.
Our Year of Obama
Obama is in a great race
By Victor Davis Hanson
America is at a day of reckoning that it never quite expected to face...

Flight 253 - media covers up 2nd man arrested on flight

Search dogs were brought into Detroit Metro about an hour after the Flight 253 passengers entered the airport. While the dogs sniffed multiple bags, Huisinga said one dog sat down in front of a bag carried by a middle-aged man who was wearing a nice suit.
Second person was detained by U.S. Customs after alleged attack on Flight 253
By Sheena Harrison
December 29, 2009, 6:46 PM
A person was detained by customs at Detroit Metro Airport on Friday following Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's alleged attack on Northwest Airlines Flight 253, according to a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
It is unknown why the person was detained or whether the person will face any charges, spokesman Ron Smith told
Bill Carter, a spokesman with the FBI in Washington, D.C., said in an interview Tuesday that Abdulmutallab was the only person arrested or charged in relation to Friday's foiled attack.
The news about a person being taken into custody comes after two passengers aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 said they saw a second man being taken away in handcuffs on Christmas Day while they and others were waiting to be interviewed by FBI agents at the airport. Smith was unable to say whether that man was the person detained by customs officials...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I know I'm a blog. And I know I'm supposed to do blog things. I know I'm supposed to make a list. I'm supposed to reflect on 2009. And I will, I'm sure, before it's all said and done. But for now I'm just going to post a bunch of video links to things I've been watching online and otherwise...

The Revival
Directed by Invincible. Produced by EMERGENCE Media and Iqaa the Olivetone

RIP James Brown

RIP Pimp C

RIP Vic Chesnutt

Greatest Christmas Special Ever:

And then this.


I know I'm a blog. And I know I'm supposed to do blog things. I know I'm supposed to make a list. I'm supposed to reflect on 2009. And I will, I'm sure, before it's all said and done. But for now I'm just going to post a bunch of video links to things I've been watching online and otherwise...

The Revival
Directed by Invincible. Produced by EMERGENCE Media and Iqaa the Olivetone

RIP James Brown

RIP Pimp C

RIP Vic Chesnutt

Greatest Christmas Special Ever:

And then this.

100% Air Guitar (2008) - 5 CD's

CD 1

  1. Queen - Another One Bites To Dust
  2. Electric Light Orchestra - Roll Over Beethoven
  3. Ike & Tina Turner - Nutbush City Limits
  4. David Bowie - Rebel Rebel
  5. Run DMC feat. Aerosmith - Walk This Way
  6. Chumbawamba - Tubthumping
  7. Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
  8. The Jeff Beck Group - Jailhouse Rock
  9. Roxy Music - Do The Strand
  10. Rare Earth - Get Ready
  11. Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild
  12. Iggy Pop - Lust For Life
  13. Canned Heat - On The Road Again
  14. Eddie Cochran - C'mon Everybody
  15. Herman Brood - Saturday Night
  16. The Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane
  17. Billy Idol - White Wedding - Part 1
  18. The Power Station - Get It On (Bang A Gong)
  19. Status Quo - Down Down

CD 2

  1. T-Rex - 20th Century Boy
  2. Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water
  3. Gary Moore - Still Got The Blues
  4. Neneh Cherry - Trout
  5. Free - All Right Now
  6. The Troggs - Wild Thing
  7. The Shadows - Apache
  8. The Animals - It's My Life
  9. Ten Years After - Love Like A Man
  10. Joe Cocker - Summer In The City
  11. Toto - Hold The Line
  12. Cheap Trick - I Want You To Want Me
  13. Simple Minds - Belfast Child
  14. Placebo - Nancy Boy
  15. Talking Heads - Psycho Killer (Live)
  16. The Stranglers - Peaches
  17. The Ramones - I Believe In Miracles
  18. Golden Earring - Radar Love
  19. Dillinger - CocaРїne In My Brain

CD 3

  1. Santana - Black Magic Woman
  2. Deep Purple - Child In Time
  3. The Smithereens - A Girl Like You
  4. Boston - More Than A Feeling
  5. Meredith Brooks - Bitch
  6. Bryan Ferry - Let's Stick Together
  7. John Lee Hooker - Boom Boom
  8. Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue
  9. George Thorogood & The Destroyers - Bad To The Bone
  10. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama
  11. Grand Funk Railroad - Some Kind Of Wonderful
  12. The Knack - My Sharona
  13. Mud - Tiger Feet
  14. Alice Cooper - Poison
  15. Hawkwind - Silver Machine
  16. Mott The Hoople - All The Young Dudes
  17. Meat Loaf - I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)

CD 4

  1. Muddy Waters - Mannish Boy
  2. Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way
  3. Radiohead - Just
  4. David Bowie - The Jean Genie
  5. Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Good
  6. Yardbirds - For Your Love
  7. Billy Idol - Rebel Yell
  8. R.E.M. - The One I Love
  9. Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Make Me Smile (Come Up & See Me)
  10. Fun Lovin' Criminals - Scooby Snacks
  11. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Higher Ground
  12. Ugly Kid Joe - Everything About You
  13. Apollo 440 - Ain't Talking 'bout Dub
  14. EMF - Unbelievable
  15. Liquido - Narcotic
  16. Living Colour - Love Rears Its Ugly Head
  17. Jonathan Richman - Roadrunner
  18. Blondie - Hanging On The Telephone
  19. The Dandy Warhols - Not If You Were The Last Junkie On Earth
  20. Supergrass - Sun Hits The Sky

CD 5

  1. Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends (Live)
  2. Black Sabbath - ParanoРїd
  3. The Who - My Generation
  4. Ike & Tina Turner - I Wanna Take You Higher
  5. Lou Reed - Vicious
  6. Paul Mccartney - All Shook Up
  7. Reo Speedwagon - Keep On Loving You
  8. Motorhead - Ace Of Spades
  9. Iggy Pop - The Passenger
  10. The Sweet - The Ballroom Blitz
  11. The Smithereens - Top Of The Pops
  12. Great White - Once Bitten Twice Shy
  13. J.J. Cale - CocaРїne
  14. Ram Jam - Black Betty
  15. Europe - The Final Countdown
  16. Saxon - 747 (Strangers In The Night)
  17. Deep Purple - Black Night
  18. Warrant - Cherry Pie
  19. Queen - I Want It All

part 1Clica aí!!
part 2Clica aí!!
part 3Clica aí!!

Hey, now! It's my birfday!

I'm freakin' 37, man! 37.....

Teyana Taylor and Teairra Mari Photo Shoot for Kontrol Magazine

ROCK "N" ROMANCE Issue Kontrol Magazine covers a sneak peak of both Teyana Taylor and Teairra Mari photo shoot. Both females are coming out with movies for 2010 Teyana in Stomp the Yard 2 and Teairra in The Lottery Ticket. Teairra will be dropping an album soon. Kontrol Magazine issue will be on the stand Jan.22,2010.

Drowned in tears of memories

How do you know if the path that you're taking is the right one?
Cause there's so much that our hearts just can't see.

Monday, December 28, 2009

V Magazine Pits a Plus-Size Model Against a Skinny One

V magazine has released an issue devoting it to plus-size models with the title "One Size Fits All".The point of the issue was to prove that "fashion can flatter any figure." Models Crystal Renn and Jacquelyn Jablonski pose side by side in the same looks and similar poses, "creating quite a sizeable comparison"according to press release. If fashion really has to makes a statement about it why dowe need a special issue devoted to proving it? It just proves to show that fashion has only one aesthetic images and still over looks things. How do you feel about this?

Which one you prefer to see on a spread?

Kwanzaa Principle of the Day

Ujima- (Collective Work and Responsibility): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems, and to solve them together.

Marc Jacobs Spring 2010 Collection

This coming spring look forward to the 80s -90s era in a futuristic style by Marc Jacobs. Lots of looks of vibrant colors intertwined with patterns. Check them out :

The Arab Street in America...
FPM: Tell us a bit more about the Arab Street and how active it is in America.
Trento: A simple definition for the concept, Arab Street, is “an out of control Arab gang intent on change through force, terror, destruction and…even death, when necessary.”
Basically, it is how many Middle East countries operate on a daily basis... Muslims believe that their collective power, as a gang, will intimidate their opponents, causing such fear that the Muslims will get their way, thus exerting their Islamic supremacy...

2nd Annual ON GUARD Rally in FLA 12/30/09
For rally details, click here.
To see the Hamas 12/08 video, click here.
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Tom Trento, Director of the Florida Security Council.
FP: Tom Trento, welcome to Frontpage Interview. I want to talk to you today about the rally your group is coordinating for Dec 30.
But first, let me ask you this. Last year, on Dec 30, 2008, you videotaped a pro-Hamas demonstration in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. In days, the You Tube video, went “viral,” around the world. What happened?
Trento: My video camera, not unlike a microscope in a laboratory, discovered a “virus” of such lethality, on the streets of Fort Lauderdale, that it makes the bubonic plague look like a runny nose.
The frightening problem is that we have no cure, for the infectious growth of the Arab Street here on the streets of America. Here is what happened:

2010 Breaking Point
Top Trends
By Gerald Celente
KINGSTON, NY - The first decade of the 21st century is going out the way it came in, with a bust and a bang.
The Great Recession is not over. There is no recovery. It's a cover up. Expect another wave of terrorism. Possibly of 9/11 magnitude. As well as challenges, also expect profitable and transformational social, health, environmental, entertainment, cultural, business and consumer trends to emerge in 2010...
The Crash of 2010: The Bailout Bubble is about to burst. Be prepared for the onset of the Greatest Depression.
Depression Uplift: The pursuit of elegance and affordable sophistication will raise spirits and profits.
Terrorism 2010: Years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq ¬ and now Pakistan ¬ have intensified anti-American sentiment. 2010 will be the year of the lone-wolf, self-radicalized gunman.
Neo-Survivalism: A new breed of survivalist is devising ingenious stratagems to beat the crumbling system. And, they're not all heading for the hills with AK-47's and pork & beans.
Not Welcome Here: Fueled by fear and resentment, a global anti-immigration trend will gather force and serve as a major plank in building a new political party in the US.
TB or Not TB: With two-thirds of Americans Too Big (TB) for their own good (and everyone else's), 2010 will mark the outbreak of a "War on Fat," providing a ton of business opportunities.
Mothers of Invention: Taking off with the speed of the Internet revolution, "Technology for the Poor" will be a major trend in 2010, providing products and services for newly downscaled Western consumers and impoverished consumers everywhere.
Not Made In China: A "Buy Local," "My Country First" protectionist backlash will deliver a big "No" to unrestrained globalism and open solid niches for local and domestic manufacturers.
The Next Big Thing: Just as the traditional print media (newspapers/magazines) were scooped by Internet competition, so too will new communication technologies herald the end of the TV networks as we know them.
The Trends Research Institute has a 30-year unparalleled track record of accurate forecasts. © Trends Research Institute MMIX

Quote of the Day

Anyone can become angry - that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right reasons, and in the right way - that is not easy.
- Aristotle
Outlaw islam in this country - NOW!
Invoke the Tenth Amendment - NOW!
Impeach HUSSEIN obama - NOW!

Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

by DefendUSx December 26, 2009 22:16

A second Nigerian arrested Sunday on Northwest's Amsterdam-to-Detroit Flight

Napolitano: No indication of larger terror plot...
Accused NORTHWEST Bomber Says More On the Way...
PAPER: 25 British-born Muslims are plotting to bomb airliners...
Two 'suspicious' Middle Eastern men detained on Phoenix-bound U.S. Airways Flight 192 from Orlando, Florida...
No danger on Sunday flight to Detroit - just an ill passenger... Muslim... from Nigeria... defying numerous orders from flight crew... in bathroom several times throughout flight... let's not jump to conclusions now you islamophobes...
Sunday: A Second Amsterdam-Detroit airplane incident: report
(Note: later reports say that the incident is not security related. The Nigerian passenger was disruptive, and was arrested when the plane landed. Or is this also part of the psy-ops?)
This is from Reuters, posted 2:46 pm EST:
WASHINGTON (Reuters)--Northwest Airlines flight 253 from Amsterdam was involved in an emergency incident on its approach to Detroit on Sunday, CNN reported. CNN said crew members requested emergency assistance upon landing after reporting a disruptive passenger. The plane landed safely in Detroit. This was the same flight number as the one involved in the Christmas Day incident in which a Nigerian man was charged with attempting to blow up the Northwest passenger jet. Delta Air Lines has taken over Northwest.

This is from the AP:
By DEVLIN BARRETT Associated Press Writer
Posted: 12/27/2009 11:44:40 AM PST
WASHINGTON--The Associated Press has learned that a second Nigerian man has been taken into custody aboard a jetliner in Detroit after locking himself in the airliner's bathroom.
A law enforcement official tells the AP that the incident took place aboard the same Northwest flight that was attacked on Christmas Day. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the incident was ongoing.
A Delta spokeswoman says all 256 passengers have been safely taken off the plane. Delta operates the Northwest flight.
[end of article]
The lesson is the same lesson, it doesn't change.
Muslims will keep messing us up our minds, and testing our defenses, and looking for ways to kill us, and attempting to kill us, and killing us, and accusing us of Islamophobia for trying to stop them from killing us, so long as they are allowed to reside in and travel in the West.
The only solution, short of the disappearance of Islam from the earth, is the
permanent separation of Islam from our country, from the West as a whole, and from the rest of the world to the extent possible.
other articles on this subject.