Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The championship of World in Throw the Hammer to Television set

At last week on a meadow in commune Jankowo near Olszytn had a place World Cup at throw with hammer to tv-set.
In the competition were starting about 30 throwers. Winners got occasional cups.

The championship consist with two events. The first - "pal- secam", in which all throwers on signal try hit a tv-set put on a pale from 10 meters. The second event is "terrain throw". This is similar to a golf game and it depends, to in group throw by turns with hammer, defeat as fast as it's possible 'bout 1,5 km interval and at finish break second tv-set.

"Pal-secam" unexpectedly finished of victory two competitors. Piotr Romanowski from Godka & Maciej Walkowski from Nowe Kawkowo at first series hit in the tv-set, breakin' a kinescope.

- Our hammers were perfectly synchronized and fell into the tv-set. The cup at first I'll bring home, to show that award exist, then I'll bring it to Godka and give it to Winner Gallery - said Maciej.

Some competitors had especially designed tools to throw. The most made usual colourful ribbon, to facilitate find the hummers out in thick bushes.

"Pestek" - last year's champion of "terrain throw" brought a hammer working as propeller. However in opinions of throwers on tis time he recombined.

Impreciselly set rotatory moment of propeller couldn't give him expected distance. Effect of that was he had no chance to equal to the best.

Anyway defender of title might have causes to satisfaction. Designed by him tools few times brought a victory others throwers. it was similar on this time, too.

The winner of "terrain throw" was Krzysztof Chmiel from Olsztyn. He had got one of Pestek's hammers before competition and was unbeatable. He as first defeated track and from near distance broke a tv-set.

The organizer and originator of the Championship is Jarek Guła.

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