Friday, March 28, 2008

why so angry??

The Door

hey everyone...

this is just a random video that i watched today because it was one of the "random" sample videos on the myspace page you see before you log in.

its nothing crazy, just some marines training...seems like something quite routine. they are just knocking a door in and entering, a quite common process. the only thing not routine was the soldier that drop kicked the door in had some trouble getting up off the ground.

i'm not quite sure but i think that the gear a soldiers carries can weigh a lot! upwards of 80 pounds and all in all this video is NO BIG DEAL!

here's what's weird...look at some random comments on this video:

OK probably not the best thing to say, but alas, the dudes face was kind of funny.

now lets see what "the others" had to say:

WHOA, DUDE! take it easy man...a city near you?? you sound like a movie preview.
and don't say that'll jinx us!

HOLD IT! did this guy just try to relate the jews in ww2 and the iraqis?
hitler killed 6 million jews, american bombs killed 1.2 million iraqis...
i hope if i ever get "liberated" i dont end up dead.
and am i really a minority on this subject? damn i thought more poeple hated war :(

tibby looks about 16...he probably plays a lot of video games. 17 will pass him by and by 18 he probably wont have matured much...but at least he'll be able to join the army and defend us!! yay! lets give hormonal teenagers guns!! :D

well ray.....ill smoke the doobie,
but i dont see myself "Shutting the F**k Up!" anytime soon.


ugh. i wonder if these are real people or not...i mean what kind of average joe says "provided security"??

alright, alright! at least a soldier would be able to keep his composer during an argument like this, right? i mean they respond well under pressure, right?

is this how all soldiers speak to civilians?
i think people are forgetting that they arent just "over there defending us!!1!1!!"
they are getting PAID!!! no doubt, with our tax dollars.

why so angry??
and by the way its "dumb" you dumn ass!


alright so all-in-all conservatives are ornery and don't like people disagreeing with the war....but remember, we must love one another and that is something you wont ever learn in boot camp. love will save us.

amen brother. amen.

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