Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 8, Thursday 21st Feb. Adelaide City

Day 8

Thursday 21st Feb

Adelaide City



8:30am, rise and shine!! An unhappy awakening. But we had to get up. We wanted to find accommodation, wash our clothes, find some Internet access, we had massage and physio booked, and some extra sleep wouldn’t go astray.

We packed up the tents, repacked the bikes and headed off to find some accom. Of course everything was booked out because off the car races. I think in a stupid sleepy state I forgot to really I should actually call the Grace Emily Hotel, and see if we could crash there. The Grace Emily is the venue I had booked to play in Adelaide. So I called the Grace and they hooked us up. We went there and put some washing on, jumped in a taxi and made it just in time for our massage booking.

A guy named Rick sorted us out with a remedial massage or some leg muscle recovery. Rick plays a bit of music to, so we had something in common to talk about. Harv went in for massage first, and next think I know I was woken up on the couch, and it was my turn. Harv did the same as I did and fell straight asleep on the couch while I waited.

Next we both had physio consultations for our leg problems. The physician told me that I had an inflamed tendon. She gave me a pressure bandage to use when I ride the bike, and also gave me some laser treatment for pain relief, and some sort of electrical current thing to help settle the inflammation. She pretty much stated the obvious that if I keep riding, I will keep having troubles. But I wasn’t ready to stop yet.

Harv had pretty much assessed his own injury earlier on, and he had troubles with his ITB. But wasn’t feeling all that bad now. The physician gave him some ultrasound treatment, and a pressure bandage, and we were on our way.

It was a day off, but for some reason it seemed like one of the hardest days of the tour. We were absolute zombies, and walking through the city was hard work. We hung out the washing and went for some dinner.

The gig started in Adelaide with local band Alias and the Jams who did a mighty fine job of opening up the show. Cheers to all the crew who showed up, and thanks to Harv for sorting out the door on the night.

I have never been so tired on stage, and the numbness of my left was really freaking me out. Its becoming hard to play some chords on the guitar, and I’m going to have to sort out the issue, or make some decisions whether or not this all this biking is really worth it. After a few Dr. Tims, and a bit of a yarn with the locals hit the deck. Sleep is the ultimate, and we now realised that we definitely should have considered more of it in the schedule.

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