Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sarong party Girl

# Content is written based on my own opinions, with no intention of discrimination or such. Any resemblance to any character is purely coincidental.

Ever met someone so demanding, bitchy and arrogant? I did. This woman was so disgusting that I would have shoved my foot down her throat and gave her a tight slap to wake her up. Of course I couldn't because "customers are always right" and this applies especially for service industries.

I like working in service industries, however when you meet people like that woman, who obviously misuses her rights as a customer, it gets really frustrating.
Then again, it makes your job a little more interesting, because you'll be satisfied to get a whole lot of bitching/cursing sessions after that troublemaker leaves.

Wellwellwell, that woman yesterday, anyone who sees her face would definitely have the same comments as I do.

1. She was with a Caucasian guy, so I presume they were on a date ( sex, to be exact, because of the location they were in).

2. She refused to acknowledge the presence of anyone else, except her date, because she thought that she was too "atas" for the minors like us. Seriously, the arrogant look on her face, you've got to see it for yourself to understand.

3. Complain Complain Complain + threaten + yadayadayada

Really, dating a Caucasian IS NOT A BIG DEAL. Yes, to be honest, I like Caucasians too, but even If I were to date one, so what? I really don't see a need to be that arrogant? Preference for white men is one thing, Preference for their money is another.
In fact, I was so mad with that woman that I went to check up on her date's profile, & tadah, No car, No high post in career or whatsoever -.-


This brings me to the next topic, " The rich & The Act-Rich "

If they think that paying $700/night gives them the privilege of treating other like slaves, uh-uh, $700 a night is NOT a huge sum.

Let's put it this way, I can promise you that those who are "truly rich" aren't the same as those who "act rich".

They don't have to go all out to show/prove that they are rich, because its understood. They exhibit the right behavior and attitudes because of their proper upbringing. Just look at the recent article about the women who go all out to help the needy etc. Mind you, they are Rich people who play an active role in contributing back to the society. They don't discriminate others just because of the difference in social status.

On the other hand, the "act-rich" are the ones who are truly "niao". They complain when they think that things aren't up to their high-class standards. They need to bring about the attention that they are rich because they are afraid that people don't know. In the first place, many of them don't even demonstrate the right kind of behavior that one should adopt.

So now do you see the difference?

Lalalala, I feel so much better after blogging this. I think people need to be aware that money isn't everything, because ultimately, its the personality that differentiates a better from another.

# Content is written based on my own opinions, with no intention of discrimination or such. Any resemblance to any character is purely coincidental.

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