Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Capitalism Sucks.

Been hearing quite a bit of "health care is socialism!!!" lately.
 Fuck that. Healthcare means I can finally go to the doctor for free.... As if I haven't been paying out the ass in taxes since the Bush Administration....fuck.

Ignorant people think that the new healthcare bill is going to fuck the economy. Trust me, the economy is already royally screwed. But at least I can finally go to a doctor for free! Even if there are long lines, my lack of money won't constrict my ability to see a friggin' MD.

When you think long and hard about it you will realize there is nothing more unfair than the American Capitalist system that is currently in place...well at least since G.W. Bush practically cut most of the Big Business taxes (which in turned effed everything for locally owned companies that friends and family are struggling to keep above the debtful waters). Americans spent 8 terrible years with mouths completely shut to turn around a do what? badmouth a president who finally has some goals set in mind to actually HELP AMERICANS!

Look at the images above and below. Think long and hard. Does it seem fair to you?

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