Thursday, February 11, 2010

Board Considers Possible Budget Cuts

The Board of Education for North Kansas City Schools discussed a topic this week that many other school districts also have been talking about – how to sustain quality education in the face of big funding cuts next year.

North Kansas City Schools had expected an increase of $4.2 million in state funding next year. That money would have helped offset a decline in local funding which accounts for more than 75% of the school district’s annual income.

The new state money also would have helped provide teachers, support staff and supplies for the 370 new students expected next year.

The district’s plans, however, have changed. When the Governor announced his intent to cut $87 million from the K-12 funding formula next year, North Kansas City Schools realized it would receive $4 million less than expected.

Now, administrators and the Board of Education must find $9 million dollars in cuts to balance the budget next school year.

During the Feb. 9 school board meeting, district administrators presented a list of 45 potential items that could save as much as $9.3 million.

Since the District already is in its third year of significant cost-cutting, further reductions will need to include some staffing cuts.

Consequently, the list of possible cuts includes the elimination of 41.5 non-teaching jobs. It also identifies possible reductions in supply, utility, contracted services and professional development budgets. Another possibility is for employees to absorb a portion of their basic, individual health insurance premiums.

As an additional buffer, the district also has enacted an early cut-off for spending this year to capture savings from the current budget.

All of the possible reductions were analyzed for their impact to instruction and safety as well as staff morale and public relationships.

North Kansas City Schools Superintendent Todd White has emphasized the district’s steadfast focus on student achievement, and his intent to protect the classroom whenever possible from feeling the effects of budget cuts.

The next step is for the school board to study the list, its ramifications, and review additional information.

No decisions have been made for any of the items. However, a decision is likely in March.

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