Saturday, December 1, 2007

'Frogs and angels'

Recently I've read a series of books by Katarzyna Grochola. There are funny and interesting situations in them. Mrs Grochola has got a big talent to write a novels, which make people better feeling and that help to believe in better tomorrow.
First part "Nigdy w życiu" is an entry to the trilogy. We meet Judit who was just divorced. She cries a lot but this motivates her to managing with other problems. When ex-husband orders her to leave the flat she builds a new house in the country side and she moves there. She meets Adam and starts falling in love withe him.
The second part "Serce na temblaku" tells about a fear of being left. Judit tries not to become a dependent on her partner but be an independent woman. In contrast leads a financial catastrophe and she has to give back 10,000 zlotys. The final is, as always, wonderful because the beloved Blue proposes to Judit.
In the third part "Ja wam pokaże" Adam leaves to the USA for a half of the year. Judit missed him but her daughter, Tosia, arranges for her to marry Tosia's dad again. Adam and Judit break up for some time. In the end of the book they are together again and everything ends beatifuly.
The author has got big sence of humour. She can make reader curious and happy. These books are perfect for the gloomy Autumn or lonely Saturday's evenings, which may not be.

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