Friday, January 21, 2011

Tolerance, harmony: Documentaries highlight messages of Sufi poets

According to the internet media,its all about the latest news and updates,internet media provided real hot topic information,that news latest updates is,ISLAMABAD: Bulleh Shah, Mian Mohammad and Shah Hussain are legendary names in Sufi poetry. As a tribute to these poetic giants of Sufi mysticism, Farrukh Zaman, a graduate of University of Carleton, Canada, showcased three documentaries at the PNCA on the history and following of each of the poets.
“The peace and tranquility found in Mian Mohammad’s poetry is equivalent to that of lying in ones mother’s lap,” describes Shauqat Ali a renowned Sufi mystic singer. “Each word is so powerful that it takes one in a trance.”
Zaman seeks to make more documentaries highlighting the history of the region and enlightening the people of Pakistan regarding the rich culture of their country.
Baba Bulleh Shah’s work has been an inspiration to musicians of all sorts. From Abida Parveen to Junoon, ‘Tere Ishq Nachaya’ has been used by classical and contemporary musicians.
Read More: Tolerance, harmony: Documentaries highlight messages of Sufi poets

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