Monday, August 30, 2010

Anniversary Giveaway: Kiki La Ru (Closed)

Hello there! Monday again, but a celebratory one! On Saturday this little blog celebrate it's first anniversary and as promised here is the first of several amazing giveaways I have ready for all you, to thank you for all of your support.
Without further ado, here it is, the cake bunting everyone is talking about! Kiki La Ru! I'm really excited to be able to team with the gorgeous (like REALLY!!!) Dawn for this, she makes the most incredible cake buntings out there, don't you think? I'm sure you all have a celebration in mind for one of these? Right?
I will let Dawn now tell you a bit about herself and her oh so gorgeous shop! 

Tell us a bit about yourself and your work. How did it all start?
 I'm an almost-30 gal living in the Austrian countryside with my husband/best friend and our two Cavalier spaniels, Kiki and Boston. I grew up in Northern California, and moved here 10 years ago to be with the man I love.
Sometime this spring I thought about topping a cake with bunting, so I googled it, thinking Martha Stewart or Country Living would have some DIY projects. But there was absolutely nothing like what I had in mind! Once I made my own, using some vintage scraps of pretty fabrics, I realized this was too cute to keep to myself, and knew I had to share it with the world. The first cake bunting I ever made was the design called 'Maddi,' which has also been my biggest seller.

Who or what inspires you? 
I am inspired by the four seasons. Growing up in California, there was either sun, rain, or fog. When I experienced my first year of seasons here in Europe, especially Autumn, my heart burst with inspiration. I just love watching nature go through her cycles.
I am also inspired by my husband. We both started with nothing, and he works so tremendously hard to provide us with the life we have envisioned. I am filled with gratitude and inspiration daily just by knowing him. Even though what I make is very girlie, he was my biggest fan from the beginning, and never belittled what I do. When he comes home, he always asks, "Did you make any sales today?" His enthusiasm and kindness are a constant source of inspiration.

What do you love most of what you do?
My favorite part about making handmade things is being home. Home is the most comforting, peaceful place, and when I'm making cake bunting, with the kettle singing on the stove top and my two dogs wrestling happily on the floor, I just thank my lucky stars that I am able to live this way. I also love how this shop has connected me to like-minded people and kindred spirits. It's always so wonderful to hear from customers who are in love with their bunting, and to see the wonderful photos of their cakes!

Any advice for aspiring shop owners?
My advice for aspiring shop owners would be:
-Learn to take good photographs (or learn to use photoshop)
-Let your personality shine through your products and your will attract people who love what you make and who will want to have your product!
-Let every customer know how much you appreciate their interest, trust, and hard-earned money by 1. telling them so, and 2. including a little something extra in their package.

And now for the giveaway! What? 
The winner will be able to pick any cake bunting of their choice!

- Follow A Diary of Lovely and visit Kiki La Ru. Come back and comment with your favorite item.

Extra entries 
- Tweet about this giveaway (use @adiaryoflovely)
- Follow me on Twitter or/and facebook
- Follow Kiki la Ru blog
- Blog about it and let me know you did in a comment
(Please leave a comment for each. Thank you all so much!  A winner will be picked at random next week)

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