Saturday, September 26, 2009

Remember, he's a citizen of the "world"... just not the "real world"

To be fair, Obama's overwhelmed.
Fatally confident of his powers of persuasion, he's bewildered that he hasn't been able to convince the Iranians (or the Palestinians, Russians, Venezuelans, Chinese, etc.) to do what he wants them to do.
So Washington delays. While Iran races toward a nuclear arsenal.
Ralph Peters
September 26, 2009
... Not only has Iran's known program moved ahead despite our cajoling, now comes the news that far more dangerous facilities have been missed for years by our intelligence services (to their credit, though, they ultimately found the Qom installation). Who knows how many more we haven't found?
Additionally, an Iranian exile group opposed to the theocrat thugs in Tehran claimed this week that Ahmadinejad's government operates two secret plants that fabricate detonators for nuclear weapons....

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