Saturday, March 31, 2007
march going out like a lion!*
Friday, March 30, 2007
toward a general theory of zapitivity
Dan also links to this cartoon, with his own elaboration.
kevin: whatever.
PussyLary: hahaha. dun have ur face, u send me ur passport photo and i'll put in lor! lol
elaine: LAZY LARRRR. anw, updated(:
Sheevonne: yah yah okok. why dont i give u the email, u go ask directly.?lol
No longer thought a witches' brew,
The well's clear water is good for you.
But drink not much for you'll
Your inside all will turn to
Thursday, March 29, 2007
in surf city it was two girls for every boy; in soc city it's three retirees for every new ph.d.
"Since 1993, the 'replacement rate'--the ratio of the annual number of new PhDs awarded to the number of PhDs retiring--has steadily declined in all social science disciplines. Figure 1 shows the replacement rate between 1993 and 2003 for these disciplines. ... By 2003 (the last year for which data were available), there were two-thirds of a new psychology PhD for every PhD psychology retiree. In contrast, there was less than one third (.29) of a new PhD for every one PhD retiree in sociology."Among other things, this observation would seem to explain:
1. My sense that, in certain institutional respects, the experience of my broad cohort in sociology has resembled that of a game of musical chairs, only except instead removing chairs, removing people.
2. The increasing difficulties editors report in finding people to peer review articles.
a half hour well spent
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
freaks and geeks
Update: Link fixed.
(ongoing series) things i really don't need right now but nonetheless seem to have
347. An Arrested Development addiction.
So, back in 1998, my then-girlfriend bought me a TV tuner card as a present. I bought cable TV to go with it. This was whatever month the Women's World Cup was where the US won and Brandi Chastain took off her shirt at midfield. Anyway, I got sucked in and watched like every televised match of that World Cup, developing actual feelings about who would win the Ghana-Uzbekistan match. Then, after the championship, I discontinued cable. I think I need to bring television into my life every 5-10 years to remind myself why I don't have television in my life.
Remember how after the fall of Communism, multilevel marketing schemes got introduced into places that had never had them before, and it was like unleashing a virus onto a population that had no antibodies to it. Well, the SAT analogy problem would be TELEVISION:JEREMY::AMWAY:ALBANIA.* Argh.
Don't even think I am going to start on any of the other shows you recommended to me when I started Netflix. Suffice it to say that the plan where I was only going to watch shows while I worked out has run aground on the shoals of low self-discipline. I think I'm going to watch these series and then cancel Netflix. It's warm enough I can run outside anyway.
* Do the SAT and GRE still have analogies, or am I dating myself? They got rid of the antonyms but kept the analogies, right?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
nothing up my sleeve (p < .05)
It's distressing the extent to which I have been able to export this epiphany to the evaluation of quantitative social science.
I was recently talking to a colleague who does not do quantitative research about a paper we had both, in very different contexts, read. The paper addressed its substantive question using Approach A. It could have used Approach B instead. Approach A is good enough for the standards of where the paper was published, but Approach B would be the approach preferred by more quantitatively-discerning types. The paper acknowledged the existence of Approach B but made substantive and statistical arguments for why Approach A was superior. In talking to my colleague, I explained that these arguments were really not very good arguments, and that, indeed, people who understand the technical issues are not going to very persuaded by results from Approach A because you really need results from Approach B to be able to assert the conclusions of this paper with any real confidence.
The thing, though, was that I went on to take for granted that analysis using Approach B wouldn't yield statistically significant (i.e., publishable) results. My colleague asked how I could be so certain of this, since no results from Approach B were reported in the paper.
I replied that, if Approach B would have yielded the same results as Approach A, the author would have announced this fact to assuage the concerns of people like me. Especially because the author clearly understands how to do Approach B and it would have only taken, say, five minutes to check. So when I saw that the paper contained these weak arguments for the superiority of Approach A over Approach B, and made no mention of what the results would have looked like using Approach B, I read this as basically equivalent to the paper containing a giant invisible footnote that said "We tried Approach B and it doesn't work."
I hate this.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Fortunately, at least, I did remember writing the earlier post once I was reminded of it.
now in my netflix queue: king antony and the gladiators of the round table
While [Louisville basketball coach Rick] Pitino acknowledged leaving Kentucky following the 1997 season was a "mistake," he joked that at age 54 he's "too old to leave" Louisville, but understands why there's so much speculation about his interest in the job.
"It's a great job. I had eight years of Camelot, I've said that," he said. "It's the Roman Empire of college basketball."
Sunday, March 25, 2007
not exactly like reaching the top of mount everest, but not exactly not like it, either
I am giddy. I feel like taking a short run around the building here shouting "Free! Free!"
wwol week four update
I am through 4 weeks of my scheduled 10 week diet, and I am down 9 pounds. In addition to eating a pound of carrots every day I am at the office, the main staples of my diet are Lean Cuisine meals and Breyers light yogurt. When I go out to eat, I restrict my attention to the salads. Coke Cherry Zero remains my loyal companion, although one should ignore rumors that our relationship is anything more than strictly platonic.
The upcoming week should be relatively easy, but then the week after that is followed by a couple of trips, which is where I teeter closest to caloric-conscious-lifestyle ruin.
Confession: While not perfect, I've done pretty well at sticking to this diet. No way I would be doing as well if not for me announcing that I was going on a diet on this blog and knowing that if I fall off the wagon I am going to have to pronounce that to whoever reads this. Another way that having a blog has improved my life.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
maybe that day the homunculus who lives inside my head forgot to press "record"
This just increases my conviction that I need to start moving my brain into Microsoft OneNote 2007 as much as possible. Not that I think it's that great a program, but I need to put my brain somewhere and I don't know of any better software alternative.
So, do I read the book again, since I wanted to read it and it's like I've never read it? Or do I assume because I don't remember reading it that it can't be that useful?
fun for all ages
I'm thinking about buying a Wii. Thoughts?
Friday, March 23, 2007
the jeremy tax
I need an accountant.
I use the phrase "Jeremy Tax" for the amount of extra money I have to spend each year to solve problems caused by my absent-mindedness. The latest Jeremy Tax payment was for the cable for my digital camera I lost. Despite being missing for more than a week, the missing cable predictably turned up a few hours after I placed the order online.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
institutional review boards have no jurisdiction over the dead
Is this social science having a late-blooming Six Feet Under effect? Have funeral homes always been an attractive topic for ethnographers but something about the topic has prevented their from being (to my knowledge) The Great American Funeral Home Ethnography?
As a different matter regarding ethnography, I was having a conversation with an acquaintance recently about a prominent sociology ethnography in which the author, with the consent of the research participants (members of a minority group living in poverty), used their real names. The acquaintance was of the position that this was definitely wrong and asserted that their view was the consensus among people who do ethnographic research. I have to admit I don't really understand this as a general position. I do understand it in the obvious, but special, case in which naming an informant would allow one to determine the identities other people who don't want their names used. Otherwise, it seems like newspaper editors have the right idea in fretting about negative consequences of anonymous sourcing; namely, that there is basically no accountability for the writer to represent the source accurately rather than tweaking statements in ways that suit the author's argument. I recognize that people who do interview-based studies get very cross when someone says "I think you're just choosing quotes that fit your argument" or, worse, "How do we know you aren't just making this up?" But, irritation is not quite the same thing as counterargument. I can understand the idea that confidentiality is unfortunately what must be offered to get interviewees to provide honest participation, but the idea of swaddling it in ethicky goodness even for participants who express no reluctance about speaking on the record--this I don't buy.
speaking of pink shirts...
(the person who took the photo actually adjusted my shoulders in order to get the photo on the right; I'm not exactly sure how my shoulders were before that was more unflattering)
"Do you really think our cohort is sassy?"
"I guess--I guess it's just that Jeremy is really sassy."
So, I've worn a pink shirt every time I've presented in the RWJ seminar, which started out from my joke that a social psychologist should wear pink when presenting to economists because of evidence suggesting it lowers aggression and then has taken a life of its own. Now, one of my fellow fellows took it upon himself to make T-Shirts for the group and decided to make them pink as well.
My cohort is identified as "Sassy Cohort XII" on the back. One of the members of Cohort XIII's name is spelled wrong, which just proves the maxim "Check spelling twice, print T-shirts once."
I think he should have put at the bottom, "A well-endowed foundation sent me to Harvard and all I got was this T-shirt!", perhaps adding "(and a nice salary, office space, a research budget, and assorted perqs)" in a smaller font underneath.
And yes, I will continue to spell it "perqs" until the bitter end, although I have mostly given up my quixotic fight for "cel" phone instead of "cell" phone.
I'm LAZY :)
me and elaine wanna be pilots.
she'll be my co-captain,
right HORNY HONEY!?!
i think i suit the requirements(:
PERRRRRRFECT eyesight what.
And i wanna go Millenia Insitude.
not bad what.
the school's new and stuff(:
oh and i wanna type smth too.
smth funny.
old alr mah
tt's all.
IM LAZY(:(:(:
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
follicular follies!
A common diversion among some friends of mine is to offer unsolicited opinions over whether the time has come for me to end my scalp's recession and just start shaving my head. A friend who had been identified with the idea of my not just shaving my head but using laser hair removal to do it recently sent me this photo that she had taken of me. She said the photo provided a good idea of what I would look like with a shaved head and, on the basis of it, she had changed her mind and I shouldn't do it. Which was good of her to express her opinion, although it's not like shaving my head was an alternative or fall back option, but rather something I am presuming I'll feel compelled toward sooner or later, albeit preferably later.
All this just reinforces the idea that what I should really do is disappear for a year and come back with a giant thick curly head of hair and a plummy British accent. You think I'm joking.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
well, that should tide me over for the next day and a half*
"Yes, although I just got a text message saying, 'Man, I didn't realize a Qdoba chicken burrito was 27 points!'"
"I only get 19 points for an entire day."
* I realize what a weird phrase "tide me over" is as I type it. It is "tide", right? Not "tied" or "tyde"?
Monday, March 19, 2007
apparently done with no sense of irony
Liberal élitism, he said, as he stirred Sweet 'N Low into his tea with a chopstick, alienates middle-income families from the Party.Nice deployment of the accent aigu. I can imagine a dialogue: "You liberals are such elitists!" "Actually, it's élitist."
"I know a professor who regularly complains about being underpaid to her department's secretaries."
"She will be among the first against the wall when the revolution comes."
"Which will be especially surprising to her since she sees herself as on the side of the revolution."
Sunday, March 18, 2007
weight watchers online: week 3 update
Okay, so tracking my Weight Watchers points while traveling has proven difficult. Nonetheless, I was well-behaved the whole week, choosing to be skeptical about the text message I received from a friend on Thursday: Remember points don't count on your birthday. In any case, today was weigh-in day and I'm down a couple more pounds. When I entered my weight, the WW site suggested that I should " Get some encouragement. Drop in on the Newbies Get Acquainted message board." Me, interacting with strangers. And here I thought I was doing well and they would recommend some kind of reward. Part of the reason I chose Weight Watchers Online in the first place was that someone who had been successful with it said, "You won't have to talk to anybody you don't know."
Saturday, March 17, 2007
you know you have been blogging for a long time when...
You are excited to get the letter saying that your car loan has been paid off, and you realize that you can link to the post when you first bought it with no money down.
(The car has remained in Madison. It makes absolutely no financial sense that I haven't sold it, although it's nice to have a car to drive when I'm back visiting, which when I left I expected I would do more than it turns out I have.)
so, how was the conference?
(me, presenting at the Eastern Sociological Society meetings)
The most common problem with giving talks at conferences is that one doesn't actually get an audience, and one is left talking almost or entirely only to the other panelists.* This leads one to feel like presenting is pointless, that one is producing a good no one else is actually interested in consuming, and various related issues that cause existential and morale crises in academics. Alternatively, one can sometimes get good attendance at a talk, but then one is dealing with this stochastic process where each additional person at a talk increases the probability that someone in the audience will be a crank or twit that provides some kind of irksome distraction that is then does much to decrease the value of the session.**
At the Eastern meetings, I gave two presentations: one fell into the first category above, and one--the panel on Freakonomics--fell into the second. The main session vandal for the second was this guy who was apparently the spouse of a sociologist, but I somehow missed this and spent much of the time when he would talk thinking, "How can this guy be a sociologist and know so little about social science?" Anyway, fellow sociologists: if you want to bring your spouse (or child, or pet) along to a presentation, that's fine, but just like if you were going to a restaurant or movie theater, try to have them behave. If he is doing things like interrupting other audience member's points with asides where everyone is supposed to raise their hand if they've read Freaknonomics, that's not behaving.
Another person in the audience wanted the panel to discuss whether Freakonomics was "the son of the Bell Curve," which I regarded as being too beyond ridiculous to know how to address and yet seemed to resonate with some other people in the audience. I suppose maybe I should consider it a victory that no analogies to the Nazis were drawn.
* I haven't had this problem with any panels I've been on, but one consequence of the rise of internet in hotels is that one can't necessarily even count on the attention of fellow panelists.
** One may be more likely at ill attended talks to be on a panel with someone who is a crank or twit and does much to compromise the panel for everyone, especially if they go on for twice their allotted time with a presider who just lets them.
Friday, March 16, 2007
trapped in a tin can!
outside of Boston. We have been stuck here for more than an hour. I am
supposed to be feeling lucky that I didn't fly to Philadelphia as
maybe then I would be stuck at the airport. I am out of reading
materials. The guy in front of me has these strange pimples on the
back of his head that I have studied in way too much detail. I want to
be home.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
sequel to previous post
I looked down and my wallet had fallen out of my pocket onto the couch without my noticing.
"I read your blog."
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
dispatch from philadelphia
I said to Sara, "Welcome to my world. This is every day for me. It's like you just got to witness the ten minute abridgement of the story of my life."
"I'm not that surprised. You have told me how in the last year you've lost your iPod, cell phone, coat--"
"Did I tell you I lost an air conditioner?"
"How did you lose an air conditioner?"
"Remember how I bought two air conditioners, even though I ended up only installing one. I put the other one down in the basement and--"
"Later you took it back to the store."
"Oh, wait, you're right. I forgot that's what I did. Well, I can stop being perplexed about that."
i barely have time for a blog with typos. i don't have time for a blog without them.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
gondor calls for aid! oh, wait, it's just jeremy dressed up in his gondor suit again.
Completely unrelated: Is it just me, or does this AP story practically scream out the next major scandal in sports: dog steroids!
Canadian Hans Gatt... said Mackey's [dog sled] team was the best-looking team on the Iditarod trail this year. Instead of tiring, his team recovered faster than any of the others after long runs between checkpoints and maintained their speed.You heard it here first: I'll bet my Floyd Landis bobblehead doll those dogs are juiced.
''I can't run my dogs like that,'' Gatt, of Whitehorse, said Tuesday, almost 100 miles back on the trail. ''He obviously has figured out something we have not figured out yet.''
the sociology straw that broke the chief illiniwek camel's back
Illinois trustees vote to retire Chief IlliniwekThe trustees do not say that the sociology resolution was the decisive development that led them to this vote, but obviously they're not going to publicly admit that, are they?
URBANA, Ill. -- The University of Illinois swept aside the last vestiges of Chief Illiniwek on Tuesday, voting to retire the mascot's name, regalia and image.
The school will continue to call its sports teams the Fighting Illini under the resolution. Chancellor Richard Herman is to decide how and when Chief Illiniwek's name and image will stop being used and licensed to apparel makers and others.
I know what you are thinking: If only the ASA resolution against the Iraq war had passed before the war actually started.
Update: Corrected to fix abominable error of saying "trustee's" instead of "trustees." I hate when I do that. Also, in case it isn't completely clear, my belief indeed is that Chief Illiniwek was an absurdly insensitive mascot without any defensible place in a contemporary university, and so I am very glad he is gone.
cute reindeer!
Beautiful Garden
this blogger.
Monday, March 12, 2007
labels: meta
I don't know if it is possible to include labels in my sidebar without having to entirely overhaul my template to the new style Blogger uses. If it is and I figure it out, I'll include them in my sidebar, as I know people are eager to be able to spend hours going back and re-reading all of my posts about karaoke or my short short fiction writing.
jumping to conclusion
Meanwhile, the Wisconsin State Journal has published a concluding editorial that is basically consistent with my own opinion:
Exactly what Kaplan said or didn't say remains in dispute. But there is overwhelming evidence, including reports from other students in the class, that he was making a valuable point about how the law can be an obstacle, rather than an aid, to displaced ethnic groups, such as the Hmong in Wisconsin.
His discussion included references to Hmong culture and the effects of being a displaced minority, which offended some students. His criticism, however, was aimed at the failures of government and the law to accommodate Hmong people.
It would be unproductive to tell any students in his class that because Kaplan was well-intentioned, they should not have been offended. They feel what they feel, and their feeling should be respected.
But the rest of us have been called to make a judgment on Kaplan, a public employee at our state university. Is he a bigot? Should he be disciplined?
The answer to both questions ought to be unequivocally "No."
There are lessons in the incident for everyone.
First, the reaction to Kaplan's remarks supports his point. It illustrates the frustration Hmong people feel because the rest of us have failed to give them the accommodation and respect they deserve.
Second, we all ought to consider our freedom to discuss controversial issues, particularly in academia. If our professors become afraid of an inquisition over a phrase taken out of context or a discussion misinterpreted, how shallow will our university be?
Sunday, March 11, 2007
outside the ivory tower
Above a message forwarded from someone in his company with the subject line "Looking for something to do?" that read:> See the kind of exciting work you are missing by not being in the
> private sector?
To which I replied:> I need someone to break the "W" insignia off of glass badger charms.
> We have 50 more to do. Thanks!
In less friendly private sector jobs, this would be a trap and anyone
who responded by showing up to chisel away at the glass badger charms
would be summarily fired.
BTW, Can I blog this?
wwol: week two report
(week two weigh-in)
Okay, so we hit a bit of a rough patch in Week Two of my diet. On Friday I ate three hot fudge sundaes and half of a cow. No. Kidding. In fact, I've done fine with the diet part and am confident that I stayed under my points for the week, but I fell off the wagon of explicit tracking while I was in NYC and traveling meant that I did not get to do my weekly weigh-in on Friday like I was supposed to. So, I've made the executive decision that Week Two for me lasted nine days instead of seven days, and Sunday is my new weekly weigh-in date instead of Friday.
As for the Week Two weigh in, I was just two-tenths of a pound below last week's weight, which didn't surprise me since I thought I didn't think I really lost more than five pounds my first week. I do feel like the elevator is going down and so feel good.
BTW, I joined Netflix so I could watch TV shows while I am on my elliptical trainer. Let me know if you have any recommendations for TV series I should put in my queue. I watched a couple seasons of Buffy, The Vampire Slayer when I was in graduate school, but otherwise haven't watched series television in well over a decade, so I'm pretty teevee terra incognita. Of course, I joined just in time for it to be warm enough that I'll probably spend most days jogging outside, and then I'll just use my iPod as it seems like it might be dangerous to hold my laptop in front of my face to watch DVDs while I jog.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Thursday, March 8, 2007
the boy detective in manhattan
It's a lot like staying in hotel rooms in other exciting places I've traveled to for work-related purposes, only with much more honking and shouting outside.
After assembly today,
Had spot check!
but only some classes!
and after 4 yrs in PL,
After carefully analyzing,
i realized tt spot checks always on THURSDAYS one!
AND! i kana caught for my nails!
after keeping for 2 weeks plus.
so i was COMPLAINING to the sec 2 prefect,
"EH, why check now, i want to keep my nails for holiday one leh..
keep very long alr u noe.
then ask me cut, how to PAINT! Why cannot after hol check
and i kept repeating.
i think the prefect thought i was crazy.
cos last time it it was also becos of my last fingernail.
but diff prefect.
and sheevonne was like holdint the prefect's nametag,
asking: ARE YOU A NEWBIE.?
damn funny!
so i just cut a lil lor.
and i was taking my own sweet time.
until who ah.? elaine i think,
was like. the whole class waiting for you so we can go leh.
and during recess,
i saw the prefect.
and agn she was laughing at me.
CLASS outing next thurs.
at marina south at 6pm(:
M.T.P tmr.
and last week my clown father went to school.
and the teacher was like:
not today what. ITS NEXT WEEK!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
"Sure, I'll say to [name] for you if you want."
"Say hi to [name] for me."
"Of course, that means that you'll then be taken up as a topic of conversation. I mean, that's what 'say hi for me' really ends up meaning: topicalize me. So, would you like to be a topic of conversation between [name] and me?"
"Okay, I think I'd prefer you not say hi to [name] for me."
Meanwhile: My father turns 73 today. My father worked thirty years in a meatpacking plant and then retired (at least, from that job). It's amazing to think that was more than twenty years ago.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Skipped school today.
too tired alr.
obviously la.
call me at arnd 2 plus,3 plus am,
how to sleep.
anw, today will be until 4.
and there'll be R4.
if i went to school, how to survive till then.
so skipped it(:(:(:(:
so when i woke up arnd 10 plus,
my dad told me the school called in.
walau, so EFFICIENT.
so it was like they asked why i didnt go school.
so my dad was like: im not sure also, i just woke up.
so the school ask if i was gg to see doctor,
and my dad just said yea shld be.
so dad drove my brother to his school.
which is only like just OPPOSITE!
And i sent my brother to his class.
see im so nice(:(:(:
and all the lil KIDDIES were STARING at me luh.
cos my brother was like.
My jie jie, my jiejie. wearing the roxy cap one!.
and their toilet is like so small.
esp the mirror!
couldnt even see the top of my body and head. lol
see, i had to bend down la. lol.
so after tt, my dad brought me to the doctor's.
got MC, and medicine which are like PILLS.
I hate pills. So difficult to swallow!
oh and there's like ugly bloodclots in my toes.
which look so ugly, like bruises!
which means i can never go for Pedicure until my
internal injury in the toes heal.
how dumb,
who the hell gets INTERNAL INJURIES in the TOES!?!
Anyway, i think i'll be staying at home today.
cos anyway everyone will also be in school till 4.
actually, i can go suntec collect my dad's phone.
but aiya, since he's gg himself tmr.
then nvm la.
2 More days to HOLIDAYS!
plus. tmr only 2 subs.
&& Fri only till11.20(:(:(:
oh and i'll be gg to bangkok in like the 2nd or 3rd week of June.
People think i siao luh!
esp Joanne.
Cos there's like O levels chinese, extra lessons and stuff,
and yet im gg to go on a holiday.?
aiya, but alr booked since last yr.
and i need to go there shopping!
current bedtime reading
I wouldn't be re-reading T7HoHEP if I didn't think there was much wisdom in it, but it's sort of a starchy wisdom smothered in hokey gravy. Namely, for a book that trumpets the virtues of principle-centered living, the book has all these fake-o seeming anecdotes. They follow this basic dramatic structure:
1. Actor [person/organization/member-of-Covey's-family] has problem.The book is stories with that structure AgainAndAgainAndAgainAndAgain. So it was weird when I ran across a story that had this footnote (the only one in the entire book):
2. Actor tries standard expedient solution to problem, fails.
3. Actor decides to try way that uses T7HoHEP wisdom, even though it seems unlikely to work.
4. Success follows, often greater and more immediate than Actor could have anticipated.
Some of the details of this story have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved.And I thought, "Why would there be this footnote now? When various other stories seem clearly like they must involve embellishments of one sort or another, if they aren't entirely made-up..." Then I read on and the story begins:
I once had a friend who was dean of a very prestigious school. He planned and saved for years to provide his son the opportunity to attend that institution, but when the time came, the boy refused to go.And, I thought, I wonder if he has that footnote because he was using this story and someone somewhere pointed out to him that a dean at a very prestigious school would be able to swing some kind of tuition arrangement for his child as part of the deal.
I hate Blogger, sometimes.
1. YOUR REAL NAME: Charmaine Leong
2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME (first 3 letters of your name + izzle): Charizzle - eh i shld change my name to that!
3. YOUR FLY GUY/GIRL NAME (first initial of first name, first 3 of your last): Cong -cong ur head la, cong!
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME (fav colour + fav animal): Rainbowbear- nice nice, see i told you rainbow is PURRRfect!
5. YOUR DRUNK NAME (first 3 letters of your first name, then slam your hand on your keyboard): Cha6oi6
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME ( first three letters of your last name+first 2 letters of your first name+ first 3 letters of your mum's name): Ongchele - haha. like not chinese.
7. SUPER HERO NAME ( fav colour+fav drink): Rainbowchrysenthemum
8. IRAQI NAME (2nd letter of your first name+ 3rd letter of last name+ any letter of middle name+ 3rd letter of your mum's maiden name+ letter of a sibling's first name+ last letter of your mum's maiden name): Chomelecr- WTH!HAHA
9. ACT CUTE NAME (fav animal & erase the last letter of it+ a YOKI behind): Beayoki
10. SMELLY NAME (fav colour + a TOIL in front of it): Toilrainbow
Monday, March 5, 2007
kaplan statement now available
Update, 8:30pm: The headline that seems to be going for AP news coverage of this is "Wis. professor acknowledges remarks about Hmong caused pain" (here). Is that really the best one-sentence upshot of this statement? Does one really have to be a thousand miles away from Madison to see that media coverage of this whole episode has been insane?
immortality is mine!
The interview was my attempt to push e-mail interviews to the next logical step by actually blogging the content of the interview as I was doing it (here, here, here, here). In the end, I just sent the reporter a set of links. If you read the article, see if you think my quotes read like a person writing for his blog rather than speaking to an interviewer.
I think the reporter did a great job with the article, although perhaps I'm biased since I'm quoted at length. I would have liked to have seen more sociology bloggers interviewed, as well as URLs of the blogs of those that were. Eszter is also interviewed in the article, as is C.N. Le, who I don't know personally, and Rebecca Hensley, who I don't know at all.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
if they asked the faculty more broadly to sign this, i would sign. since they haven't, i will only link to it.
I could say more, but will refrain for at least the moment. Perhaps because I'm lame.
annals of attention markets
Presumably at some point Coulter is going to say something that causes everyone on the conservative carpet--who knows about the conservative fringe--to dissociate themselves from her for real this time and when this happens, I can see conservative males murmuring to each other, "Plus she's long past being hot anyway."
farewell, pebbles! farewell, little mermaid! farewell, daphne from scooby-doo!
My guess is there will be more of an effort to save blonde hair and, even more, blue eyes.
I have nieces with red hair and blonde hair, but the six identically brown-haired kids produced by my parents would lead me to suspect only one parent has recessive genes for hair lurking within (my father, since I have redheaded cousins on that side). My own brown eyes seem weirdly like they have become a bit greenish in recent years, which I've attributed to the DNA effects of the unfortunate latch on my microwave.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
metallic balls la. DONT THINK DIRTY!
game night in cambridge!
(Here I thought I was just going to be hanging out and drinking some wine with friends. I didn't realize I was going to crush a world record as well.)
So, several of the fellows in my program convened to, among other things, play this board game one of us (Damon) had invented. He currently calls the game "Tetrapolis", which literally means "four-part city", although we mostly liked its earlier name of "Tesselation", which literally means laying little colored tiles of different shapes down on a surface. The game involves laying little colored tiles of different shapes down on a surface. It's sort of a visual Scrabble for people who are good at thinking spatially and not good at spelling. The game is actually really simple and clever, although the rules sheet has a couple sentences like "In this sense, the game board is torosoidal" that might need to be edited by someone less mathematically-inclined than Damon before he starts selling it as "Ages 10 and Up."
Damon has been having friends and family play the game but is still tinkering a bit with the rules. The above picture was taken to commemorate the fact that, on the first turn, my partner Kathleen and I laid down what was apparently the highest scoring Tetrapolis/Tesselation turn in the history of the game, and which Damon attempted to legislate out of existence as we were playing it. We also used all of our tiles (the equivalent of a "bingo" in Scrabble) on the second turn, establishing ourselves as the best known Tetrapolis players in the world, and causing everyone else to decide either to leave or steer the party toward playing Taboo instead.
Friday, March 2, 2007
wwol: week one report
Anyway, I have committed to staying on this diet for ten reasonably good weeks, which I hope and plan will be consistent with ten consecutive weeks, but if not I'm not letting myself off the hook. This week features extensive use of what I call my orange gambit, based on my observation that you rarely see a fat person who eats a pound of carrots a day. So I had a pound of carrots six of the first seven days, not even getting into the crazy consumption of rice cakes and Lean Cuisine meals. Here is my WWOL points tracker for the first week:
I don't always enter the time of the meal in the right place, so it's not like there are days when I really blew all my points in the morning. Also, if you look at the activity column, you'll notice I worked out fine the first four days and then stopped -- this corresponds to my portable DVD player breaking and thus rendering my elliptical trainer too tedious (a replacement part is on order, although I could also download an audiobook and listen to it on my iPod).
My first weigh-in was today and, consistent with the expectations above, went well:
Anyway, one week down, nine to go. I appreciate all who said they were rooting for me. The guy who commented and said he wasn't rooting for me is appreciated in his own, different, way.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
above zero
had chinese after school.
did chinese test.
first time i finished before the time was up.
anyway, cabbed home after school.
was raining.
actually wanted to ask joanne to share cab
but couldnt find her.
Dream come true.
I did indeed fail chem test.
not suprising la.
never study what.
got back geog test and POA retest marks too(:
i passed geog!(:
only by 1 mark.
at least i passed. last yr i got like E8 or smth.
and i didnt even study(:
POA retest.
i got 19/20.
cos there were some i wasnt sure.
Maybe they shld like make a retest for all papers,
but diff paper la.
today didnt have remedial,
so went out with FCREW to eat.
then had tuition at arnd 6.
Long day..
fri sucks big time.
plus cca.
and might be getting back more papers.
i could say a thousand words to describe you
and also a thousand words to describe,
how irritating you could get.
all you know is just to have fun outside.
Its march alr,
and is anything different?
don't say things which you cant do.
and with achievements, so what.
not as if i really give a fuck abt it.
whatever la,
go have fun outside,
like you always do.
i can always find other people.
there's nothing great abt you.
and i don't need you to bother abt my life.
Its MY life, which needs none of your concerns.
whoever i go out with,
whatever i do with the person.
who i mix with,
You don't have a say.
Fuck you and goodbye.