So, now I don't know if I'll do my eight arbitrary, potentially quirky/interesting things or not. One pseudorandom thing about me, though, is that if you want to see my face scrunch uncomfortably, all you need to do is make me listen to a pop song that conspicuously uses an unnatural, Chaucerly sentence construction in order to make a line rhyme. Examples:
From "Hey There Delilah", by the Plain White T's:
Hey there DelilahFrom "Dream Vacation" by the Gear Daddies:
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all
And late at night when the kids is all asleepSeven more!
Then off to the lounge for a nightcap we can sneak
I know our lives they ain't the stuff of dreams
But for one full week we can live like kings and queens
* I reserve the right to write an entire future post about Wicked Anomie's #3 random thing.
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