Tuesday, May 29, 2007

serves me right for trusting them

While other places have their signs that indicate the years they have won the "Best in Boston" distinction as voted in some local paper, Anton's Dry Cleaners in Somerville has a giant sign behind their count that annoys me every time I go in there: "Voted #1 Drycleaner! Everywhere, year after year." Yes, really--rather than rise to whatever occasion is needed to actually win whatever awards, they just have a sign up that simply asserts with no supporting evidence that they always win.

When I'm in there I wonder why I would trust a place with my clothes when they so brazenly lie on a giant sign. But I needed to go in there today, because there is only one day between the trip to Madison I returned from last night and the trip to Aspen I embark on tomorrow, and Anton's is the only place advertising same day service if you get it in by 9 ("READY TODAY" in a sturdy, reliable looking font is what they advertise).

I arrived there at 8:57. There was a line, though, and so by the time I got to the front it was 9:02. "It's after 9," the woman said. We can debate whether a place should honor their In-By-9 deal if you are inside the door by 9. However, "it's after 9" was actually just the second reason she gave for why my clothes wouldn't be ready, and she had told the people in front of me their clothes wouldn't be ready until tomorrow either. Her reason: "They won't get it back to us in time. We've had too many orders."

I don't know what I'm going to do about my clothes. I am never going back to Anton's again, ever, considering they already charge high prices and now I realize their service advantage is "READY TODAY. MAYBE." Using cleaners in Cambridge has been so ridiculously poor in service and high in price compared to the In-By-10-Out-By-4-Always-Forever service in Madison.

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