"Legends, myths and tales of Szczecin"
Episode 24.
"The last gallows in Szczecin"
The last gallows in Szczecin people dismantled about150 years ago. It stood in west side city, near plece, where streets Mickiewicza and Wojska Polskiego join, today. Gallows disappeared, but area has bed fame from time, when some host from Krzekowo dislike adventure met here. Once he came back after sunset from city to home and when he was passing empty square(where gallows were), suddenly something jumped on him neck and it started to hit him. Frighten human hurryed horses, which was running scary forward. When he went several kilometres from scary place, he liberated from secretly attacker. News quick travelled, that there scare, it ghosts of hangmen was going to place's massacre and they was attacking all lively people, which they met in area. From that time hosts from Krzekowo was trying to back to home before sunset, if some important businesses was keepping their in Szczecin longer, they was going this side road the quickest like they could and they lodly speakt prayers.
Episode 24.
"The last gallows in Szczecin"
The last gallows in Szczecin people dismantled about150 years ago. It stood in west side city, near plece, where streets Mickiewicza and Wojska Polskiego join, today. Gallows disappeared, but area has bed fame from time, when some host from Krzekowo dislike adventure met here. Once he came back after sunset from city to home and when he was passing empty square(where gallows were), suddenly something jumped on him neck and it started to hit him. Frighten human hurryed horses, which was running scary forward. When he went several kilometres from scary place, he liberated from secretly attacker. News quick travelled, that there scare, it ghosts of hangmen was going to place's massacre and they was attacking all lively people, which they met in area. From that time hosts from Krzekowo was trying to back to home before sunset, if some important businesses was keepping their in Szczecin longer, they was going this side road the quickest like they could and they lodly speakt prayers.
From long time at gallows didn't trace, there people built beautiful houses, stories circled about unpleasant and scary meet with frighten creatures yet.
The end
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