Saturday, November 4, 2006

spells like teen spirit

Someone, please: Why is Microsoft Word's spellcheck dictionary so awful? I just discovered that it doesn't have "unpersuaded"? How nonobscure is "unpersuaded"? (It also doesn't have "nonobscure," but I don't think that's a real word anyway.) Is this something where they have a product that's deliberately mostly-effective-but-sort-of-lame as a way of getting you to upgrade to a better product, like with their equation editor? Does Microsoft sell a better dictionary?

Also, after finally finding my digital camera (it was in my Scrabble bag!), now I can't find the camera connecting my camera to my computer. Eszter told me I should just buy a memory card reader. I'd rather just be able not to lose my things. I wonder how many pairs of gloves I'm going to go through this winter, since the hegemony of "style" (or, as others might call it, "dignity") prevent me from using little clip-ons to hook them to my coat sleeves.

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