"You know how you have that uncontrollable urge to sneak into people's houses to take a look around and eat lunch on their front lawns?" writes John Grindley.
"This time, you can do it with friends! And downtown! And it's legal! Rendevous on the Red's Downtown Tour of Homes is on Sunday!"
Participation: be 21 or over and bring a form of photo I.D. to 617 Texas Street (Robinson Film Center) on Sunday, beginning at 2 p.m. You will be signed up and on one of the comfortable iShuttle vans to begin your tour. You will get a map and information about each of the tour sites, which include:
• 600 block of Texas- a Drive-by
• 824 Texas Avenue (Bohemian chic)
• 826 Texas Avenue (Let your imagination run wild!)
• 1023/1035 Texas Avenue (Hidden secrets)
• 710 Crockett Street (an artist’s studio)
• 627 Crockett- a Drive-By
• 301 Crockett Street (2 units in Lee Hardware)
• 301 Crockett Street (2 units in United Jewelers)
• 229 Milam (4 unique units from artsy eclectic to historic traditional)
Afterwards, return to the Robinson Film Center for snacks and door prizes. The tour is free and will be held rain or shine. Not all buildings are ADA-accessible and many include stairs.
Sunday, April 3 ·
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Ch-ch-changes: Shreveport offers downtown tour of residences on Sun, Ap 3, 2 to 5 pm, free
Art returns to the Saturday session of the Shreveport Farmer's Market, which opens June 4
"There will be an information meeting at the Depot on Wednesday, April 20th, at 9:30 am and 5:30 p.m. for Artists who are interested in a space at the Farmers market," says SRAC's Vickie Marshall.
"You can attend either time slot and find out more about this wonderful opportunity. Spaces will be opened for Saturday market days only. The fee is not set yet, but will be small – somewhere around $10 or $15 and a tent or covered space will be provided."
Saturday Market:
June 4 through September 3
Tuesday Market:
June 7 through July 19
Tues: 3:00 pm-6:00 pm
Sat: 7:00 am-12:00 pm
101 Crockett Street - Under the Pavilion in Festival Plaza, Shreveport, LA 71101
Enrique Iglesias...pulls out of Britney Spears - er - tour! Diva (Latino Idol) miffed at 2nd billing!
Enrique Iglesias angrily stomped his foot, and pulled out of the Britney Spears tour late yesterday afternoon, after the Pop Diva announced to a gushing fan base that the sexy heartthrob would be hitting the road as her warm-up act.
Handlers noted in a terse press statement that the popular crooner was under the impression that the gig was going to be a "double-bill".
Once the disgruntled hit-maker caught wind of - what he perceived as a "step down" in his career - he was quick to cut the ties that bound him to the loopy Pop Star on a rebound in her own career daze.
What a humiliation!
And, you thought Divas only came in the female variety, eh?
Book worms
Jay Leno Show...Helen Hunt a control freak! Snatches cue cards from host's hands!
Surf is up!
Over the years, make-up and wardrobe personnel at the studios (and in the employ of Independent Film companies) have tittered that Oscar Award-Winning actress - Helen Hunt - was difficult to work with.
After Ms. Hunt's appearance on the Jay Leno Show last night - it was quite evident to the multitudes that the normally low-key movie star is not only a control freak - but an ill-mannered guest to contend with!
Bookers on the late-night circuit beware!
An old Chinese proverb says it all.
"Never insult a host in his own home."
If you want to be asked back, that is.
So, what was all the brouhaha about?
When the talented thespian (who has played opposite respected biggies in the industry like megastar Jack Nicholson) was asked to participate in a quiz about surfing, a short way into the upbeat segment - the pushy broad not only balked at some of the questions - but was inclined to snatch the cue cards right out of Jay's sweaty palm!
Mr. Leno reacted politely, in spite of her outrageous behavior, but was obviously startled by Hunt's insulting conduct and lack of sense of humor (judging by the expression on his face).
Hunt was on the top-rated talk show to tout her new feature which is about the gripping real-life tale of a female surfer (which has been adapted for the Silver Screen) who lost her arm in a shark attack.
Hunt, getting on in years, was cast to play the mother for obvious reasons.
Because the ultra thin (she was all bones if 'ya ask moi) actress boasted to be a surfer, Jay was posed a few questions - understandably so - in an amusing bold-faced effort to sort-out the lingo surfers often coolly spit out as they dart off to hang ten.
Ms. Hunt wasn't put off by the first expression "gnarly", but - not surprisingly- she didn't get it quite right.
When Jay offered up the next expression - "tubed" - she reacted suspiciously (just betcha, she thought she was going to be the brunt of some twisted on-camera joke).
At this juncture, the ice Queen not only went through the roof, but committed the unthinkable.
Hunt put a halt to this phase of the interview, and did so, without an apology.
Across the country, I expect viewers at home were screaming at their television sets.
And, how was your day?
Bavu Blakes Live in Austin TONIGHT!
Peep this video, Crew54 is the bestest.
Bavu Blakes Live in Austin TONIGHT!
Peep this video, Crew54 is the bestest.
Comedy of manners The Dining Room initiates Shreveport Little Theater's new Studio Series; performances on Fri-Sat, Ap 8-9
Top teen thespians directed by SLT’s Resident Director Jared Watson will do comedy in AR Gurney's The Dining Room, says Robert Darrow.
Shreveport Little Theatre is kicking off a new feature, the Studio Series, with three performances of The Dining Room by on April 8 & 9.
The student cast (in alphabetical order): Madison Edwards, Lindsey Fileccia, Isaac Haas, Madeline Hiers, Emily Mwakitawa, & Gentry Williams.
Production Stage Management is provided by Emily Kitchens assisted by Christopher White. Technical assistance is provided by Jacob Bates, Courtney Gaston, Tom Serio, Josh Talley, & David White.
The Studio Series aims to produce new plays and re-imagine classic plays in an intimate setting with a strong focus on story and character. In doing so, SLT hopes to attract new audiences and re-invigorate long-time theater-goers, says Darrow.
Friday, April 8 @ 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 9 @ 2:00 p.m. AND 7:00 p.m.
Running Time: 2 hours.
Tickets: $10.00 Adults, $6.00 Students
Prince Harry...snores! Jets to North Pole for Reds! "Best Man" speech to humor!
Prince Harry crawled out of a glorified pup tent bright-and-early at the crack-of-dawn this morning in the great white North - braving twenty-below-zero weather - and summarized the harrowing experience this way.
"Things went on in there that won't be discussed ever again," he wickedly laughed to a dotting reporter who was all ears!
A tent-mate was quick on the uptake, too, as he confided the awful truth.
Prince Harry snores!
"It's sort-of a cozy snore. Like...a 'hmmm'," he laughed boisterously.
"The Prince has a sort-of base 'thing' going on," which wasn't too difficult to suffer through, the pal was quick to point out to soften the blow.
Years ago, I was forced to kick a lover out of bed (and end a relationship) - because of snoring that was so loud and obnoxious - that it kept me awake all night.
I tried to follow the advice of Ann Landers, before taking action, though.
In one column many moons ago, a reader solicited Ms. Landers for a solution to the problem when faced with a chronic snorer.
"Just give the person a jab in the side," she urged the sleepless correspondent.
According to Ms. Landers, the snorer would respond with a turn to their side - and ultimately - free up the breathing passage so the hapless individual could sleep properly (and peacefully) once again.
It didn't work for moi, no Sir!
The one-on-one interview with a "Good Morning America" reporter was a bit of a coup for the Network, by the way, especially when you consider that the Royals are generally tight-lipped when it comes to the prying press.
The ambitious newsie managed to gain the trust of the Prince since both support a similar cause.
Both are concerned about the plight of soldiers on the battlefield, and in the aftermath, when they return home (oftentimes scarred by the horrors of War).
But, one subject was off-limits, and strictly taboo.
Prince Harry declined to comment on wild speculations that ran rampant in the media recently in respect to the infamous "stag" party he was supposed to toss for his brother - Wills - which never materialized for some inexplicable reason.
Did his grandmother (Queen E 2) step in and nix the celebrations?
If so, Harry wasn't fessing up!
The answer is blowing in the cold North wind!
Meanwhile, Prince Harry is scheduled to fly to the North Pole tomorrow (weather permitting) to spend five days with the troops to boost their morale.
When questioned about his stint in Afghanistan three years ago, he waxed poetic a bit - but, for the most part - was pretty forthcoming and down-to-earth in his response.
"Everyone comes together. You are responsible for the guy to your left and to your right. There is a sense of payback, too."
The reporter quizzed the lad about the real possibility about having to kill in the line of duty.
How did Prince Harry feel about that end scenario?
"A job is a job," he stated matter-of-fact, without pulling any punches.
"You progress with your life."
Prince Harry was elated at the prospect of maneuvering the Apache, a helicopter he has been assigned to fly when he returns to the front lines.
"I feel very lucky for the opportunity. The Apache is safe. And, powerful."
Surprisingly, Harry did not hold back when the topic turned to the upcoming wedding at the end of the month.
"They're the perfect match," he beamed, in reference to William and Kate.
The single (available) bachelor was inclined to cheer on his sister-in-law, and welcome her to the family with open arms, too.
"She's like a big sister. I am looking forward to going under her wing."
In a poignant moment, the freckled-faced helicopter pilot admitted that he would have liked to have had a younger brother or sister.
Of course, that family situation didn't pan out, due to the untimely death of Lady Diana.
The Prince was adamant that the thoughts of the Royal family will be with his mother on the day of the nuptials.
"I think she would be proud of William," he assured the reporter.
Prince Charles - though quite busy - has allegedly been quite hand-on in his role as father of the groom, too, according to Harry.
The Prince was pretty candid about his upcoming speech at the much-ballyhooed celebrations across the big pond, as well.
"My grandmother will be there. But, it will not be unlike any other Best Man's speech," he grinned.
The Prince promises to sprinkle the send-off tribute with a bit of humor, for sure!
Will any deep dark secrets be divulged?
If so, he's not telling.
Loose lips sink ships, after all.
However, Harry let one juicy bit of gossip slip during the course of a conversation with a news outlet, whether he intended to or not.
Prince William was pining to marry two years ago, but - allegedly -put off his plans because of the frenzied swirl of pressure that the lovebirds encountered daily because of a vigilant press out to land a "scoop".
But, Wills is ready to take the plunge, now.
Congrats to William & Kate!
Lovebirds savoring informal moment!
Impromptu performing arts judge: Brett Campbell, highly-credentialed journalist and critic; announcements and critics' talk by Robert Pincus Sat, April 2, 11:30 - 2:30 pm, Artspace Shreveport
Impromptu exhibit participants at Artspace Shreveport will hear the announcement of the awards in both performing arts and visual arts on Saturday, April 2nd, 11:30 - 2:30 pm, says Julia Foley.
Visual arts critic Robert Pincus, Ph.D. will offer an analysis of the show. See shrevearts.org or an earlier Shreveport Blog post for background on Pincus.
Newly announced is the judge for Performing arts entries. He is Shreveport native Brett Campbell, says Foley.
Campbell writes about the arts for The Wall Street Journal, Oregon Quarterly, Willamette Week, San Francisco Classical Voice, and many other publications. He has reviewed folk, rock and pop music in Austin for the Austin Chronicle.
Campbell was one of seven journalists from around the world chosen as a Getty Fellow in 2007 and as an NEA fellow at Columbia in 2005 and has been given critical access to the highest levels of visual arts, dance, theater, and music. He is a former editor of Oregon Quarterly and The Texas Observer, taught journalism at the University of Oregon, and lives in downtown Portland, Oregon.
A written critique will be provided to all Performing Artists, says Foley.
San Francisco Giants...Brandon Belt emotional over nod! Rag-tag wonders play Dodgers today!
Who said that grown men don't cry?
When management in the front office informed Brandon Belt that he was given the nod for a coveted spot on the twenty-five-man Giants roster for the upcoming baseball season, he did just that.
But, his were tears of joy!
"This has been a dream all my life. It's the best thing that ever happened to me," he tearfully confided to a posse of probing reporters who swarmed around the rookie yesterday afternoon to gobble up the scoop first-hand.
"Except for my marriage," he gushed in almost an after-thought, as his face turned beet red.
The kid is going to have to get used to the attention, I guess!
The news came as no surprise to me or my readers at the Tattler.
Yesterday, I pointed out that it was probably a "go" for the 1st Baseman amidst a lot of wild speculation (pro and con) that ran rampant in sports circles this past week.
Post: 03/30/2011
The move was a bit iffy for obvious reasons.
But, Bent's performance this last season in the minor leagues, grabbed the attention of the scouts, nonetheless.
During spring training, the shy ballplayer (who team mate Buster Posey has nick-named "Beller") hit at .282 with 3 homers and and 13 RBIs, enough bait to give the kid from nowhere a shot at the big leagues.
Notwithstanding, fans may recall that a rag-tag Giants team that was tossed together last season with a hope-and-a-prayer (and a lot of gumption of the part of the General Manager), roared on to win the World Championships.
One reporter on the nightly news referred to the Belt "break" as one of the "feel good" stories of the day.
Within hours of the announcement to the press, Belt hopped on a jet alongside the rest of the Giants, to journey on to Los Angeles where he'll play in the "Opener" against the Dodgers today.
Sports enthusiasts, meanwhile, are ecstatic.
In fact, so much so, that a posse of fans rustled up the funds to purchase a banner to hoist up over the stadium in LA LA LAND, which will read:
SF Giants 2010
Champs: Beat LA
The ubiquitous in-your-face slogan is 75 feet long and 50 feet high and was crafted at a cost of approximately $6,500.
Folks who can't make the game in person can catch it on ESPN or KNBR (680 AM).
I am predicting a win!
By the way, the Giants beat out the Oakland A's yesterday.
Dodger Stadium in smog city!
ALERT! Free Film at UT Today!Han Bennink - Hazentijd
Possibly the greatest drummer to ever walk the earth. He blows my mind and is hands down the most entertaining drummer to ever walk the earth. Peep the videos below and then go find some more on the internets and entertain yourself for the rest of the day.
THEN go to UT and see the film about him. Info below the videos.
Thursday, March 31 · 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Garrison Hall 0.102 UT Campus
Free Public Screening! on UT Campus.
Movie will begin at 5:20pm
HAN BENNINK: HAZENTIJD (2009) directed by Jellie Dekker (70 mins DVD)
This stylized recent documentary depicts Dutch drummer and visual artist Han Bennink’s creative journey from art student and free-lance percussionist backing touring Americans like Johnny Griffin and Eric Dolphy, to the uncompromising improvisor he is today. His visual work, which he creates alone, silently and surrounded by nature, is shown as a counterpoint to his cosmopolitan and often noisy musical life. Bennink is seen captured in performance with Griffin, the ICP Orchestra, jamming with Ethiopian musicians and leading workshops with students and children. http://www.hanbennink.com/
sponsored by Epistrophy Arts and ICP Orchestra
ALERT! Free Film at UT Today!Han Bennink - Hazentijd
Possibly the greatest drummer to ever walk the earth. He blows my mind and is hands down the most entertaining drummer to ever walk the earth. Peep the videos below and then go find some more on the internets and entertain yourself for the rest of the day.
THEN go to UT and see the film about him. Info below the videos.
Thursday, March 31 · 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Garrison Hall 0.102 UT Campus
Free Public Screening! on UT Campus.
Movie will begin at 5:20pm
HAN BENNINK: HAZENTIJD (2009) directed by Jellie Dekker (70 mins DVD)
This stylized recent documentary depicts Dutch drummer and visual artist Han Bennink’s creative journey from art student and free-lance percussionist backing touring Americans like Johnny Griffin and Eric Dolphy, to the uncompromising improvisor he is today. His visual work, which he creates alone, silently and surrounded by nature, is shown as a counterpoint to his cosmopolitan and often noisy musical life. Bennink is seen captured in performance with Griffin, the ICP Orchestra, jamming with Ethiopian musicians and leading workshops with students and children. http://www.hanbennink.com/
sponsored by Epistrophy Arts and ICP Orchestra
Pain Of Salvation - Where It Hurts (Uncensored)
Year : 2010
Genre : Progressive Metal
Uploaded by Wintersun
Sister Sin - 24-7
Year : 2010
Genre : Heavy Metal
Uploaded by Wintersun
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
OUT Magazine...Men's fashion show @ Macy's! Trevor Project fundraiser!
Now that spring is in full-swing - and the birds & the bees are buzzing - stylish males are striding out the front door with a bounce in their step in search of scintillating eye-catching fashions to strut their stuff as the sizzling hot daze of summer approaches.
On Friday - April 1st (no fooling!) - style-concious dudes won't have to go farther than Macy's to snap up a few wardrobe essentials for sure!
After all - OUT Magazine is hosting a jazzy men's runway show featuring exquisite collections of Menswear from - Hugo Boss, Armani Jeans, Tallia, Micah Cohen, Marc by Marc Jacobs, and the Sons of Intrigue - to name a few!
Yigit Pura - the Executive Pastry Chef of "Taste Catering & Event Planning" (winner of the premiere season of Bravo's Top Chef: Just Desserts) - will be on hand to serve up delectable treats, too.
The fundraiser benefits The Trevor Project (one of Daniel Radcliff's charities, of course).
The organization utilizes monies coming into the non-profit's coffers to focus on crisis and suicide prevention efforts in the LGBT community.
A minium suggested donation for entry to the event is $25.00!
See 'ya there...
Ideal closet
How would you pair the Burberry trench?
San Francisco Giants...Nightclubs "Play Ball" on strip! Promo pushes Black & Orange & Gear Logo!
In a move to drum up business during the upcoming baseball season (Home Opener April 8th) a handful of late-night hot (as in curvaceous and sexy) spots are offering up discounts for patrons who turn up at the door in Black & Orange (Giants team colors) and/or logo gear.
Go! Giants! Go!
Obviously, the owners are hopping on the bandwagon in the wake of the Giants fever that erupted the last championship season, which resulted in packed pubs around the city.
Clubs like - Roaring 20's, Broadway Showgirls, Larry Flint's Hustler Club, and the HungryI (to name a few) - are launching the ballsy in-your-face promo in a bold-faced effort to steal some of the thunder (and cash) out of the greasy hands of pub owners who scrambled to serve houses packed with thirsty baseball enthusiasts (and made a killing in the process).
Do 'ya suppose the strippers will be teasing Giants fans in skimpy "G" strings highlighted with Orange & Black frilly flourishes in all the erotic places?
Dudes, don't forget your rubbers - er - sneakers, eh?
San Franciso Giants...win Tuesday! Final Exhibition game today!
Thanks to an RBI double by Pablo Sandoval in the 2nd inning and a solo home run by Nate Shierholtz in the eighth, the San Francisco Giants walked away "winners" last night in their match against the Oakland A's with a 4-1 victory.
No doubt, Gio Gonzalez was the scorn of fans, today, though; after all, the A's ballplayer allowed the unthinkable - two runs and 3 hits - in 6 1/2 sloppy innings.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention - that in spite of walking three Giants - Gonzalez managed to strike out four quality Giants during the course of the game.
Meanwhile, as I pen this post, players and fans alike are gearing up for a final exhibition game between the Giants and the Oakland A's at San Francisco's AT & T park this afternoon at 12:45 p.m.
Go! Giants!
By the way, the scuttlebutt continues as to whether Brandon Belt will nab a spot on the Opening Day roster (at press time, anyway).
"Conventional wisdom says he's not ready, but he's held his own against tough pitching and plays a real good first base. There would be no spot duty about it, aside from especially tough lefties, he would be the regular first baseman and would hit seventh, which would make it easier on him," general manager Brian Sabean stated matter-of-fact.
If you read between the lines, it's a go, me-thinks!
The Giants have until 8 a.m. Thursday morning to announce their exciting 25-man line-up.
News at 11!
See 'ya at the ballpark, eh?
Elizabeth Taylor...cocktail dress on exhibit! Unveiled at Lori's Diner in San Francisco!
The legendary screen siren - Elizabeth Taylor - may have passed to spirit last week (my tribute will be posted in the next few days) but the fascination over every detail of her life persists!
For example, in anticipation of a surge of interest at their eatery, Lori's Diner (San Francisco) is placing a lavender tulle cocktail dress on display which was once adorned (and owned) by old violet eyes!
I strolled by there bright-and-early this morning to take a gander - but, unfortunately - the valuable piece of memorabilia was hidden behind a shroud (of sorts) until the official unveiling at 2 p.m. this afternoon.
In spite of the drapery, though, a few precise beams of light managed to slip through the sacred curtain - and ultimately - ended up sending a thousand little rainbows this way 'n that inside the popular eatery.
Hollywood Historian - Barry Barsamian - loaned the coveted piece to the restaurant so that fans and patrons alike could enjoy it.
Pop in and take a peak.
After all, it's a dazzling reminder of the fine swath that Ms. Taylor cut, whenever she ventured out the door for a public appearance (late or not).
See 'ya there!
Killer Mike Showing Love to TEXAS on Shade 45
Killer Mike Showing Love to TEXAS on Shade 45
New Music From Houston!Yep Another Free CD!Preemo - The Magic Bullet
Jammin' this right now. Go get your copy FREE right now from Rizoh over at TheRapUp.
New Music From Houston!Yep Another Free CD!Preemo - The Magic Bullet
Jammin' this right now. Go get your copy FREE right now from Rizoh over at TheRapUp.
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Austin Psych Fest Is Really Goin' Down!
OMG It's really goin' down! Austin Psych Fest just sent the schedule out last night, and wowsers, gonna be a great year. Peep it all out below and get your tickets soon!
The Reverberation Appreciation Society and The Black Angels are happy to announce the dates, location and full festival lineup for Austin Psych Fest 4. The 4th annual festival will be held at Seaholm Power Plant from April 29 – May 1, 2011. Spanning the full range of the psych sounds, the festival honors the past while alshttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifo magnifying the modern vanguard of mind-expanding music.
The full festival schedule, set times, and dates are available on austinpsychfest.com. With a few more SPECIAL GUESTS to be announced, STAY TUNED.
The full lineup includes:
Roky Erickson • Spectrum • The Black Angels • Omar Rodriguez Lopez Group • Black Moth Super Rainbow • Prefuse 73 • Atlas Sound • A Place To Bury Strangers • Crystal Stilts • Crocodiles • Tobacco Fresh and Onlys • Sleepy Sun • The Growlers • Indian Jewelry • Black Ryder • Beach Fossils • This Will Destroy You • Cold Sun • The Soft Moon • Radio Moscow • No Joy • Dirty Beaches • The Night Beats • White Hills • Pontiak • Black Hollies • Beaches • The Quarter After • Lumerians • Woodsman • Young Prisms • ZAZA • Lower Heaven • Shapes Have Fangs • Christian Bland • Bass Drum of Death • The Meek • Blue Angel Lounge • The Cult of Dom Keller • Cloudland Canyon • Zechs Marquis • ST37 • Vacant Lots • The Diamond Center • Rishi Dhir • Pete International Airport • Shine Brothers • Daughters of the Sun • Weird Owl • Wall of Death • Ghost Box Orchestra • The Sky Drops • Tjutjuna • Chris Catalena • Holy Wave • Hellfire Social • AND SPECIAL GUESTS
* Please note that Dead Meadow and Jason Simon will unfortunately no longer be playing as they are doing a European tour with Spindrift in April...
Day tickets are on sale RIGHT NOW on austinpsychfest.com for $40 per day. A limited number of weekend passes are still available for $100, get them while they last.
The Seaholm Power Plant is located at 214 West Avenue Austin, Texas 78701, here's a link to the location on Google Maps and the website.
Seaholm Power Plant, a decommissioned steam power plant built in a 1930’s art deco style, sits on the Colorado River in the heart of downtown Austin. APF4 will be one of last concerts to happen in Power Plant. This iconic structure will provide an amazing backdrop to an incredible weekend of music and art.
Austin Psych Fest 4 is made possible in part by the good folks at El Cosmico, do512, The Shed BBQ, Bird’s Barbershop, Laced With Romance Vintage, Tigress Group, Alta Real Pictures, cloudesign and Elevation Reservation, who will be recording festival performances in multi track HD audio for a future release.
Media Partners
Special thanks to our media partners: The Austin Chronicle, do512, The Austinist
Arts Market
Laced With Romance Vintage, Magnolia Vintage, Rima Hyena, Skully’s Records, The Psychedelic Poster Boutique, and a number of other hand picked artisans.
Food Vendors
Local Austin restaurants will providing delicious dining options on site.
We are currently seeking volunteers to help out with making APF4 another amazing weekend in exchange for weekend passes, opportunities include:
Video Documenting- we are seeking qualified camera people to help out with filming the fest. We can offer a weekend pass in exchange for helping shoot the annual film / documentary throughout the weekend. Please send equipment list and reel link to info@austinpsychfest.com if you are interested.
Visual Artists and Decoration - there is a large amount of wall space available for film projections, 2d art and 3d installations. We’re seeking visual artists to contribute work to a showcase of mind bending artwork. Send links and proposals to
Additional Volunteer Opportunities - there are many, many ways that you can help make the fest amazing. Promo, passing out flyers, event hospitality, runners - we are looking for good help in all areas, hit us up - info@austinpsychfest.com
Vendors - We have limited space available for food and retail vendors. Please get in touch through info@austinpsychfest.com
Sponsors - If you or your organization is interested in being a part of Austin Psych Fest 4 please get in touch - info@austinpsychfest.com
Great music in limited edition vinyl releases, available on austinpsychfest.com
RVRB-003 - UFO Club / Nght Beats Split 10''
Christian Bland and The Nights Beats' Lee Blackwell's new project UFO Club debuts on this 10 inch split with The Nights Beats, featuring 4 songs from each band. Presale, tracklisting and artwork coming April 13th!
RVRB-002 - Shapes Have Fangs - Dinner In The Dark
Our second label release, Shapes Have Fangs' Dinner In The Dark LP us available in the store and comes highly recommended, catch this limited edition vinyl LP from one of Austin's best!
RVRB-001 - Christian Bland and The Revelators - The Lost Album
The solo debut of The Black Angels' Christian Bland is available in a 2nd pressing in red vinyl. Get your copy before these are sold out.
The Reverberation Appreciation Society
Austin Psych Fest Is Really Goin' Down!
OMG It's really goin' down! Austin Psych Fest just sent the schedule out last night, and wowsers, gonna be a great year. Peep it all out below and get your tickets soon!
The Reverberation Appreciation Society and The Black Angels are happy to announce the dates, location and full festival lineup for Austin Psych Fest 4. The 4th annual festival will be held at Seaholm Power Plant from April 29 – May 1, 2011. Spanning the full range of the psych sounds, the festival honors the past while alshttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifo magnifying the modern vanguard of mind-expanding music.
The full festival schedule, set times, and dates are available on austinpsychfest.com. With a few more SPECIAL GUESTS to be announced, STAY TUNED.
The full lineup includes:
Roky Erickson • Spectrum • The Black Angels • Omar Rodriguez Lopez Group • Black Moth Super Rainbow • Prefuse 73 • Atlas Sound • A Place To Bury Strangers • Crystal Stilts • Crocodiles • Tobacco Fresh and Onlys • Sleepy Sun • The Growlers • Indian Jewelry • Black Ryder • Beach Fossils • This Will Destroy You • Cold Sun • The Soft Moon • Radio Moscow • No Joy • Dirty Beaches • The Night Beats • White Hills • Pontiak • Black Hollies • Beaches • The Quarter After • Lumerians • Woodsman • Young Prisms • ZAZA • Lower Heaven • Shapes Have Fangs • Christian Bland • Bass Drum of Death • The Meek • Blue Angel Lounge • The Cult of Dom Keller • Cloudland Canyon • Zechs Marquis • ST37 • Vacant Lots • The Diamond Center • Rishi Dhir • Pete International Airport • Shine Brothers • Daughters of the Sun • Weird Owl • Wall of Death • Ghost Box Orchestra • The Sky Drops • Tjutjuna • Chris Catalena • Holy Wave • Hellfire Social • AND SPECIAL GUESTS
* Please note that Dead Meadow and Jason Simon will unfortunately no longer be playing as they are doing a European tour with Spindrift in April...
Day tickets are on sale RIGHT NOW on austinpsychfest.com for $40 per day. A limited number of weekend passes are still available for $100, get them while they last.
The Seaholm Power Plant is located at 214 West Avenue Austin, Texas 78701, here's a link to the location on Google Maps and the website.
Seaholm Power Plant, a decommissioned steam power plant built in a 1930’s art deco style, sits on the Colorado River in the heart of downtown Austin. APF4 will be one of last concerts to happen in Power Plant. This iconic structure will provide an amazing backdrop to an incredible weekend of music and art.
Austin Psych Fest 4 is made possible in part by the good folks at El Cosmico, do512, The Shed BBQ, Bird’s Barbershop, Laced With Romance Vintage, Tigress Group, Alta Real Pictures, cloudesign and Elevation Reservation, who will be recording festival performances in multi track HD audio for a future release.
Media Partners
Special thanks to our media partners: The Austin Chronicle, do512, The Austinist
Arts Market
Laced With Romance Vintage, Magnolia Vintage, Rima Hyena, Skully’s Records, The Psychedelic Poster Boutique, and a number of other hand picked artisans.
Food Vendors
Local Austin restaurants will providing delicious dining options on site.
We are currently seeking volunteers to help out with making APF4 another amazing weekend in exchange for weekend passes, opportunities include:
Video Documenting- we are seeking qualified camera people to help out with filming the fest. We can offer a weekend pass in exchange for helping shoot the annual film / documentary throughout the weekend. Please send equipment list and reel link to info@austinpsychfest.com if you are interested.
Visual Artists and Decoration - there is a large amount of wall space available for film projections, 2d art and 3d installations. We’re seeking visual artists to contribute work to a showcase of mind bending artwork. Send links and proposals to
Additional Volunteer Opportunities - there are many, many ways that you can help make the fest amazing. Promo, passing out flyers, event hospitality, runners - we are looking for good help in all areas, hit us up - info@austinpsychfest.com
Vendors - We have limited space available for food and retail vendors. Please get in touch through info@austinpsychfest.com
Sponsors - If you or your organization is interested in being a part of Austin Psych Fest 4 please get in touch - info@austinpsychfest.com
Great music in limited edition vinyl releases, available on austinpsychfest.com
RVRB-003 - UFO Club / Nght Beats Split 10''
Christian Bland and The Nights Beats' Lee Blackwell's new project UFO Club debuts on this 10 inch split with The Nights Beats, featuring 4 songs from each band. Presale, tracklisting and artwork coming April 13th!
RVRB-002 - Shapes Have Fangs - Dinner In The Dark
Our second label release, Shapes Have Fangs' Dinner In The Dark LP us available in the store and comes highly recommended, catch this limited edition vinyl LP from one of Austin's best!
RVRB-001 - Christian Bland and The Revelators - The Lost Album
The solo debut of The Black Angels' Christian Bland is available in a 2nd pressing in red vinyl. Get your copy before these are sold out.
The Reverberation Appreciation Society
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Britney Spears - live @ GMA
Britney pre-taped a mini concert for GMA that aired yesterday to coincide with the release of Femme Fatale and after watching the videos, I feel Britney has really stepped down a lot as a performer. Unfortunately, either Jennifer Lopez (who's older than her) or Cheryl Cole (who's slightly younger) could've done a lot better than Britney did. Britney's getting way too manufactured and controlled this era.
Big News: The Saturdays ready new single
Looks like The Saturdays have got themselves a busy 2011 ahead. Being the reigning girband in the UK with Girls Aloud on a 100 year hiatus and newcomers Parade and Wonderland with shades of potential but not really delivering, their new album might be just around the corner to keep them on top. With the London date on their well-received Headlines Tour filmed for a slated The Saturdays 24/7-esque television series. But their tour during the year end could be playing to bigger crowds - with the year end tour rumoured to be an arena tour. Well I was wondering why they were playing such small stages on their Headlines Tour..
Besides that, they plan to invade Europe with the release of Higher in Germany this summer. But they definitely aren't forgetting the UK. The girls will be playing festival after festival in the summer, including major ones like V Festival, Chester Park and T in the Park.
Also, The Saturdays have apparently finished recording their upcoming single, claimed track producer Steve Mac, who wrote the track with Ina Wroldsen, both of which are no strangers to The Sats as both worked together on their chart monster Ego which is their second best selling track ever. Ina Wroldsen also has co-writes on the girls' previous singles If This Is Love, Up, Work, and Higher.
Clearly the girls aren't messing around. Just a couple weeks ago, a track called Girls Night Out was rumoured to be on the upcoming album, while Rochelle confirmed Turn Myself In, the midtempo stomper they premiered at The Headlines Tour would be included on the new album as well.
The new single will be out before July, and the girls will be headed to LA within the next week to film the music video. Also, Mollie tweeted "The countdown to Monday begins!!!!! Ohhhh yes!" Ooh.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Scandals...of the Privileged Few! A novel by Julian Ayrs! Serialized on The Tattler!
A brash young attorney in his mid-thirties, with a flair for fashion (he despises dreaded umbrellas, though), Robert climbs (and beds) his way to the top of the conniving back-stabbing legal profession on the treacherous West Coast without looking back (or having any regrets).
A self-styled bisexual with a passion (and weakness) for blonds in faded blue jeans.
Unfortunately, the talented auteur is always a scant heartbeat from the memory of a former lover (who departed from this mortal coil too soon) which may be his undoing.
Melony Vanderbilt Kidd ("Butch")
Even by her own standards, "Butch" is a "walking cliche", alright!
Strong-willed and defiant - the privileged kid from the right side of the tracks - is an endearing "misfit" with a special knack for weaseling her way into the private incestuous lives of the high-and-mighty.
Next to her skillfully penned "Memoires", Andy Warhol was a slouch in the literary department!
Screen Actors Guild...actors reach settlement in class-action! Union sued for Foreign Residuals!
If you performed in a motion picture, television program, or other audio-visual work - that earned foreign royalties - your rights as an actor may be affected by a recent court-approved class action settlement.
On February 18th (2011), the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, approved a class action settlement in Case No. BC377780 (Osmond v. Screen Actors Guild, Inc.) and ordered that all actors affected be provided a copy of the "Judgment and Order" Granting the "Final Approval" of the Class Action Settlement.
Interested parties may view the document to determine their eligibility to be a part of the "class" by cruising over to SAG’s website.
The lawsuit arose as a result of the collection and distribution of royalties (also known as levies) on blank DVDs and tapes in several foreign nations.
Various countries have adopted laws imposing royalties, which are designed to provide compensation to rights holders, including performers in motion pictures and other works.
The Plaintiffs (and each of them) alleged in their causes of action that the Screen Actors Guild failed to properly distribute foreign royalties to performers.
In their moving papers, SAG asserted that they acted appropriately in their capacity as Union Reps, handled all foreign royalties properly, and proceeded to vehemently deny all the subsequent allegations, in addition to pleading other defenses.
The settlement is not an admission of wrongdoing or an indication that any law was violated.
For further information, please contact SAG representatives at the following web address.
(323) 549-6450
My Stuff Series **Brunch at Saks**
Thanks Annemarie!