Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dr. Ning Tang...incompetent unprofessional MD! Threat to patients & medical community!

There's nothing worse than a silly barely wet behind-the-ears (thirty-something) incompetent female doctor - with an ugly misplaced ego - acting like she has a big swinging dick between her legs as she traipses around hospital environs dispensing medical advice sure to cause irreparable harm to her patients.

Such is the case with a loser by the name of Ning Tang (M.D.) - a demented general practitioner - who is under the wild delusion that she is God's gift to the medical profession.

For starters, Ms. Tang has a lousy bedside manner.

Frigid is, as frigid does, but - in her instant case - an ice Queen demeanour is a detriment to the well-being of  individuals in her precarious charge.

If it weren't for misguided referrals from staff at the  UCSF Emergency department, it is doubtful she'd have a practice.

On the contrary,  she'd be wrapped in a straight jacket  in an insane asylum.

When a doctor - over the best interests of their client, lashes out in self-defense (and acts cruelly and deceitfully with the specific aim of gaining the upperhand to compensate for their insecurity) - it's time the State Medical Board issued a slap on the wrist and revoked the medical license to practice.

Or, have the professional standards sunk that low in recent days, as Obamacare looms on the horizon?

In the instance of Ms. Tang, obviously management at UCSF was desperate, and was forced to scrape the barrel to meet their quota.

Ms.Tang wasn't hired on because of skill, intelligence, or a keen ability to smooth over troubled waters with her patients in their darkest hour of need.

If there is plague to avoid in the community, it is the one with a plaque on the flimsy hospital door which reads:

Ning Tang M.D.

M.D. stands for malpractising dimwit (a threat to civilized society).

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