Wednesday, April 30, 2008
GOLDEN IGORS AWARDS.10 position the best Hollywood actors in Igors Opinion.
Position 9: Penelope Cruz.... Buuuuuuu. What a.....? I thought that in Hollywood are good actress... But I guess I wrong.
Position 8: Pamela Anderson- No Comentary.... Peace sister.
Position 7: Catrine Zeta Jones..... Hmmmm... It`s Not bad...and it`s not good. Go to hell.
Position 6: J. Lo. I have write that her name because I don`t know how to spell all her name and surname. She is not bad but her music...... ok, I won`t tel about that.
Position 5: Harry Potter ( I don`t know what his real name). Yeah I gues that this is good boy because if He Hadn`t been in this film, That film wouldn`t be have known.
Position 4: Harisson Ford- It`s really good actor, He played maybe first film role in STAR WARS.
position 3: Georg Clooney- Yeah, it`s really good actor.
Position 2: Brad Pitt: I tell One word... Big Tallent.
And Position one: Award of `GOLDEN IGORS` take Jonny Depp!!!!!!!!!!! HE is the best actor in my list!!!!!!!!
"Memories of a geisha"

The story starts in 1929. Little Chiyo and her older sister Get to Kioto. Because of her beautiful eyes, Chiyo goes to Gion where she becomes a geisha. Her sister- Satsu, goes to bruthel.
Young Chiyo lives with the most famous geisha In the all Kioto- Hatsumomo.But she’s jealous about Chiyo’s beauty. She’s Bad for Her and does everything to destroy her life. A Little girl is desolate and tries to Get awal from that place with her sister. It doesn’t work so she Has to stay In Okia, but now not as a beginnig geisha but her slave.
Everything chan ges when she meets a Man who gives her a handkerchief and cherry’s icecreams. From now she wants to be a geisha and again meet that Man.
Her Dreas come true when the great es geisha, Mameha comes to Chiyo and start teaching her everything that geisha Has to know. In short time Chiyo becomes Sayouri and she is the most famous geisha In All Kioto In such a Young age (she’s Orly sixteen teras old).
Film by Rob Mardhall doesn’t show everything about life In that Times. But you can watch it for Ziyi Zhang who playes Sayouri. Movie show (very gentry) a life where the woman is a commodity and isn’t entited to love.
MARIUSZ WLAZŁY - the Hope of Polish volleyball

He was born on 4th of August 1983 in Wieluń. The first sport which he was training was swimming. One day, when he was 12, he went to his friend when he had a volleyball training. Mariusz started to play, just for fun, and that's how everything started. Firstly, he wasn't too good and he started to play better when he was 16-17 years old. His first volleyball team was WKS Wieluń - he started there as a junior, than as a senior and finally he played in the third league team. In 2001 he was playing in the second league SPS Somas Zduńska Wola. Mariusz was a really good player that time so he started playing in Polish junior's volleyball team. In SPS Mariusz was playing better than anyone thought even though he was only 19. In 2001 our's junior's representation started preparing to World's Junior's Championship. There, in Teheran, Mariusz showed that he didn't play volleyball accidentaly and mostly thanks to him the team won that great prize. In the season 2002-2003 Mariusz started to play in SKRA Bełchatów (where he's still playing). Few first months were a bit difficult time for Wlazły. He started to play in the first "6" in the and of the season and to this day he's playing in SKRA in the "6". I can say that Mariusz is a leader of his team. Paweł Zagumny said that if SKRA didn't have Mariusz there wouldn't be SKRA. I agree ;) In the season 2005-2006 Wlazły won the title of the best Polish volleyball player. In 2006 our team won the second place in the World Championship. After the whole tournament Wlazły (between Giba and Matej Kaziyski) was nominated for the best player prize. In 2008 he won the prize for the best atacker of Volleyball Champions League.
Mariusz Wlazły is absolutely one of the best volleyball players ever! He's got very strong serve and attack. I think that he's the Polish volleyball's hope ;)
HEIHGT: 1.97 meter
WEIGHT: 75 kilogrammes
BLOCK RANGE: 3.43 meters
ATTACK RANGE: 3.62 meters (!!!)
"The lake house"

Kate - a young doctor - has just sold her lake house. She left a letter for a future owner, where she apologized for dog's prints in front of the house and where she said some other things. The letter was found by Alex - an architect - who lived in the same house, but.... 2 years before Kate. Strange, right? I'll explain it to you. Both of them lived in the lake house, but Alex was living there in 2004 and Kate was living there in 2006. First, they thought that it couldn't happen and maybe they were right. On the other hand: that was impossible and it was happening, so they had to manage that situation. Kate and Alex started writting to each other. After some time Alex said that he rememberd that they met one day, on Kate's birthday. That night they were dancing, talking and kissed. That made everything a bit different. Kate was scared of emotion which she felt for him, but she couldn't do anything with it. Of course, there shouldn't be any problem but we have to remember that they were living in totally different ages! That wasn't a good side of the story so they decided to stop writting to each other. And they did.
But one day Kate thought that 2 years ago, on the Valentine's Day young man died in her hands on Daley Plaza. She knew that it was Alex. She wrote to him not to go there, but he didn't answer her. Kate was sure that she would never "meet" him again. And Alex came to the lake house and met her there. The year 2004 and 2006 met. So, it was finally 2005? :)
Lynn Flewelling "Luck in the Shadows"
Alec is a sixteen-year-old boy who was just left his father. He travels trought the forests, mouintains and valleys. Unfortunately he gots to prison for crime which he didn't commit. He was torturing when a strange man got him out of the prison. His name was Seregil.
They start to be friends and travel together. Seregil from amazing city- Rhiminee is a vobleman, thief and a spy. He teaches Alec everything what he knows about steeling.
They both arrive to Rhiminee and meet Seregil's master- Nysander. The old man’s a great wizard and sage. He tells them about misterious plot between the lerans- a royal family’s enemys. Seregil as a queen’s Spy Has to protect Her and find out who wants to kill Her. With his New student, old friend and Nysander, he fights with Bad pe ople and unfortunately he become arrested.
Fantastic novel by Lynn Flewelling about magic, battles and friendship that last forever. I really enjoyed this book when I was reading it. Now I’m Reading the secondo part- „Stolking darkness”. The both books are very interesting and you will not be bored, Reading them.
die in car crush, in bomb attack or in attempt on the life in war. Yeah... For this question are many axplains What is a disaster. What thinks are more important?
When 11th.September.2001 the build in New York World Trade Center was crushed by
plane many People was died. It was big disaster. Many families lost their members. It was atrocity, horrible.
This tragedy is rememberd by all of the world to this day.
Oter tragedy for example plane crush is horrible too. In this tragedy no one can be surviver.
In my opinion People ho gues that Girl or boy friend anvilable Is a problem are for straight stupid... In world are many worse problems real worse problem....Thats all what I`m going
to tell.
"Love" is not the tune of thomas bangalter(((゜Д゜)))
↓ここの人が言い出しっぺな気がしますが、けっこう早くに訂正してたんですね。でもLouis La Roch という名前がマイナーすぎたせいか、殆んど知られる事無く、多くの人があれはトーマだと思いこんでたみたいです。で、ようやく本人名義でリリースなんですが、いきなり全曲うpされてます。
Louis La Roche: The Peach EP at Solid Goldberger
Louis La Roch - Love (Optimus Grime Remix) ←早速勝手remixですか。
Optimus Grime at The Fast Life
Louis Laroche Minimix
Who da funk - Shiny Disco Balls (Don Nola remix)
Tu penses à combien ? at Boule à Facettes
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Leonardo da Vinci - Italian artist and inventor
Leonardo da Vinci already as little boy amazed his teachers of his talent at painting. He was carving, painting, studying anatomy - he's left drawings of a heart, muscles, bones. Leonardo was thrilled Maths, he was projecting palaces and bridges. Leonardo created a boldly plan of Milan expansion.
Between projections of Leonardo are drafts of a battle cart and a press to imprint olive. He was unusually musical, was perfectly playing lyre, was writing beautiful tales about animals. Although the most popular are his painter's works (Mona Lisa), Leonardo is defined as a genius of Renaissance, the most talented man who ever born.

Direction: Greg Yaitanes,
Script: Noah Hawley, Stephen Nathan
Music: Peter Himmelman
Dr. Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) is an amazing anthropologist. She’s very smart and intelligent but she doesn’t know anything about modern life. She thinks that she knows more about dead people than alive.
Agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) works for FBI and cooperates with dr. Brennan on difficult cases. He’s really good in his job and more realistic than his partner. He always calls her “bones” and she hates it.
Angela Montenegro (Michaela Conlin) is an artistic. She works in Jeffersnion Institution as a person who makes the pictures of victims. She can reconstructs people’s looks really well. Angela is dr. Brennan’s best friend. She thinks than Temperance and Booth should be together.
Zack Addy (Eric Millegen) is my favourite character! He’s an assistant of dr. Brennan. He’s VERY intelligent and has got really high IQ. He’s also cute ;) and nice. I love him! I think he looks like a mouse but I don’t care.
The last one in this “terrible” group is dr. Jack Hodgins (TJ Thyne). He loves insects and worms which can clean the bones from meat. Jack is the funniest person in all serial. He likes plots and hates his boss.
I’m really happy that this serial is, at last in
Next movie by Ridley Scott. The story is set in antiquity. The title gladiator, Maximus is a Spanish warrior. He always fights for his emperor- Mark Aurelius. He's great warrior but also wants to be back home, in
Maximus has to get away but the Kommodud’d army catches him and try to kill him. Young commander runs away to his home. Unfortunately his family is already dead. Desolate, Maximus gets to gladiator’s colony which goes to
That’s where his career as a gladiator starts. He can’t forget family and what Kommodus did for him. As a great warrior he kills everybody and wins the respect of people. From that moment, they call him- Spanish.
In a short time Kommodus finds out about him and wants to meet him. In the Colloseum’s area he discovers Maximus. He’s angry and tries to kill him again. Next day, they both meet in Colloseum and fight together. Both die.
Beautiful story about an honour, brave and devotion. But the best thing in film is music! It makes you cry and it excellent shows the atmosphere of situations.
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Palin and Jones met at Oxford University, Cleese and Chapman at Cambridge University. Idle also were studying at that university but a year later. Gilliam met Cleese in New York, when he hold there tournée with A Clump Of Plinths group.
Before they started work by Monty Python's Flying Circus, they were present in following programs:
I'm Sorry, I'll Read that Again 1964-1973 (radio program)
The Frost Report 1966-1967
At Last the 1948 Show 1967
We Have Ways Of Making You Laugh 1968
Do Not Adjust Your Set 1968-1969
How yo Irritate People 1968
The Complete And Utter History Of Britain 1969
Doctor In The House 1969
And now it's time for something completely different
The first series of "Flying Circus" was to give generally field to show Cleese, but he wanted co-operate with others. That way started up organized group for which made rutine rules of acting. Each day of writing was staring at 9:00 in the morning and lasted to 17:00. In beginning of a typical worke week Cleese and Champman were writing alone as one actor 's company, Jones and Palin as second, and Idle were writing alone. After few days whole group were meeting together with Gilliam, criticizing each other scripts and changing opinions. If something made laugh majority, it was confirmed as a part of program. In similar way roles were planted. After matching and settling order skit to given section, Gilliam had a free hand at connecting they in the whole by ingenious animations.
Before name of the group was ready they had some others ideas for the name for example: Owl Stretching Time, Bunn, Wacket, Buzzard, Stubble and Boot, Gwen Dibley's Flying Circus.
The team has very concentrate idea for serial and it was very disappointed, when Spike Milligan recorded his comedy program Q5 in little similar way. Pythons inspired Milligan, but Flying Circus is completely other. Favor that unique Gilliam's animations, but also process mutual critic and material selection.
&actually, im also doing some screensaver shit for today's module.
Its damn irritating please.
see all these rubbish;
Label1.Left = Label1.Left - 10
imagine, many&many&many of these rubbish,
every tuesday.
The lesson may be slack, but its so RAHHHHHHHHH.
totally no relation to hospitality.
&there's some new module coming up.
seriously, I HOPE&HOPE&HOPE,
that there's no need for us to try out the high elements :X
Drexler, Dino, Shu&i went to esplanade and were supposed to study.
But the wireless sg didnt work.
So we ended up at Macs, trying to connect to networks.
So in the end,
Studied only blood relations&all.
Walked around, window shopped.
Ate dinner&headed to the singapore flyer.
Supposed to go there to "sight see",
but we ended up taking many many photos.
&PLAYED WITH THE WATER, the fountain&all.
thus, in some of the photos,
we were uberly denched.
soaking wet
& yepyep, we still trained back.
&rah, still had school the next day.
But, yeah, it was really fun.

So Me,,,,,So nice
smoke... by *svaynstaynger on deviantART
So Me - Decalcomania
(special thanks to toomanysebastians)
So Me - Blinded by the light
"Before sunrise"

In Viena they were walking, visiting some places and talking. They were totally different, Jesse didn't believe in destiny and sings. Celine was think conversely acctually. Maybe those differences made them more interested in each other. The conversation with person who thought not the same as we did, could be a great experience. But, let's get back to the most important thing: the movie. The whole film is just a conversation and even if you think that it can be boring I must tell tou that it's not.

"10 things I hate about you"

Well, not everyone has to be sweet and nice. Kat Stratford absolutely isn't one of those persons. She's got her own opinion about everything and she isn't scared of saying it. Her sister, Bianca is completly different. She smiles all the time, she's nice and she likes pink colour.
One day a boy named Carter liked Bianca very much. But there is one little problem - she can't go out if Kat doesn't. That makes Carter a bit upset, but of course, everything is possible, you just need some shrewdness and a good idea. So, if he wants to date Bianca he has to find someone who'll date Kat. But who will have so much bravery? There is one man - Patrick Verona. Everyone thinks that he is a criminal, so Carter is scared of him. Finally he asks him for help, but it doesn't work. Fortunately there is one more boy who's in love with Bianca, a model - Joey Donner. Another good thing about Joey is that he's rich and he pays Patrick for a date with Kat. The boy has to do few things to ask her out, but finally it works and Bianca can go out too. The problem is that she's not dating Carter. Firslty she likes Joey, but than she finds out that Carter is 'better' than him. Everything's doing so well. Of course just for the day when Kat finds out that Patrick was dating her only for money. She's really dissapointed because she fell in love with him and it happened for the first time in her life. Finally everything ends well: Bianca is with Carter, Kat is with Patrick and Joey is with a big black eye. Well, maybe he just deserves it.
The truth is that I've seen this movie about hundred times and I could watch it again. It's very funny, so this is great to see if you have a worse day. I can't say anything else - just see it. ;)
Sebastien Tellier.........
i look cool when i smoke
Originally uploaded by i dance for dollars
Sebastien Tellier
Sebastien Tellier
French Friday: Philippe Zdar at Waves at Night
Sebastien Tellier
Chicken at soulblending
Sebastien Tellier
Las 7 de la semana #3 at LeTouch
Sebastien Tellier
Z-O-M-B-I-E at 8106
Sebastien Tellier
Let's get vulnerable. at HIPSTER RUNOFF
Sebastien Tellier
Quoi de neuf sur les blogs: Toi aussi soit hype grégory ! (part1) at Streetkiss music
Sebastien Tellier
Sebastien Tellier
Horny Teens, Spank Rock & Chemical Brothers Sexuality ??? at Disc. Go. Is. Um...
Sebastien Tellier
Jack Tennis Private Lesson: How to date best at The Fast Life
La Ritournelle (Mr. Dan magic wand) とDivine (Midnight Juggernauts Remix)が好きです。
Turzi Remix
Sven Love Catalan FC Remix
Mr Dan's Magic Wand Mix
Original Version
Hyoenolove Remix
Monday, April 28, 2008
Van She - Recent work...
the Videodrome mk VII at blouse
Van She - Strangers (Van She Tech Remix)
Van She - Cat and the Eye (Van She Tech Remix)
Shinichi Osawa - Maximum Joy (Van She Tech Remix)
Martina Topley Bird - Poison (Van She Tech Remix)
Nicky Van She & Dangerous Dan - Around The World Again (Moluck's Fuck The Way We Want To Edit)
Ladyhawke - Back Of The Van (Van She Tech Turbo Fire Engine Mix)
FRIDAY BRIDGE - it girl (nicholas makelberge remix)
FRIDAY BRIDGE it girl (nicholas makelberge remix)
The Living Things - Bom Bom Bom (Boys noize Remix) , Van She - Strangers (Van She Tech Remix) & m.o.r.e
Spank Rock + Justice/Thunderous Olympi… - Thunderous Bumps (back from japan edit)
Coachella 2008: Friday Covered And Remixed at Pretty Much Amazing!
Justice - D.A.N.C.E (Somepoe Remix)
Remember that time I posted millions of Justice remixes? at The Lemur Blog
Justice - DVNO (Transformer Dance Camp Remix)
Remix Friday at Sundtrak
Van She - Strangers (Van She Tech Remix)
the Videodrome mk VII at blouse
The Living Things - Bom Bom Bom (Boys noize Remix)
Boys Noize - & Down (The Missiles Remix) at Fried my little brain
My first guitar was classc. I was going on guitar lessons for 6 months but I had fallen out with my `teacher` and I broke out with this lessons, then I learned with myself. It was verry hard. I had bought teaching book because after I wanted to learn. And exacly I had been learning and I got to know many thinks,
many new guitarmusic words, and many of them. When I wanted something more I bought Electric
Guitar. It was cool. But in short time was disaster of guitar. I crushed, broke my guitar for no my foult. I fell anger because this guitar
had cost 1400 zl. `Shit` I fought and said or rather shout. I promised my self that I`ll never ever play guitar, I renounced this. But now I`m going to play guitar again. I`m going to buy new guitar,
electric guitar, and I going to play. So maybe at first I`ll have to exercise, but then will be better.
Peace and Chill out...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Melomanics - Remixed (2008)
i had the chance to meet aux over the WWW when my band did a remix for Amsterdam's the melomanics upcoming remix album. he just so happens to be melomanics producer/one member of the up-and-coming electrockers blokgolf.
he was more than happy to leave us a few tracks, and, with my band being on the much awaited/thought-of-when-masturbated melomanics rmx album, we have a few of those tracks for you kidz as well!
the album features a long list of badasses including favorites: rogerseventytwo, junksolo (my band), mr miyagi, and our good friends blokgolf!
Cloetta Paris

Cloetta Paris at bigstereo
Cloetta Paris at Zeon's Music Blog
Cloetta Paris at emodreng og indiepige
Cloetta Paris | I Miss You Someone at Shameless Complacency
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Yeah, FOURTH YOU. take note, fourth finger alrightos.

Dino: My skills are FAR better than yours(:

2 in fact!
was supposed to be for the culture&aesthetics module.
yepyep, i edited it.
but yeah, its kind of funny.
The peeing, the kiasu-ism and all.
Oh, and the link's in MY MEDIA section, on the right, too.
was damn damn damn damn tired.
& i didnt receive anythingyepyep.
The eighth part of First Punic War

Frank Lampard
Frank James Lampard Jr. was born 20-th June 1978 in Romford. He is English footballer playing as offensive half - back and is one of the best and the most identification middle half - backs on the world.
On September 2005 Lampard was chosen member of FIFPro World XI. Eleven FIFA was chosen by vote professional footballer from over 40 countries. In winter 2005 Lampard got twice the 2-nd place behind Ronaldinho in plebiscite European Footballer of the Year and FIFA World Player of the Year. He was chosen the player of January in 2007 by fans, because he shot 7 goals in 8 meetings.
His first action with professional football started in West Hamie United, where were working his father and uncle. He impressed coach 1-st team and 1-st July 1995 was brought to senior team. In season 1995/1996 spent on hire in Welsh team Swansea City. After return to West Hamie United Lampard played his first match in senior team in West Hamie. He shot his first goal just 1997 in match with Barnsley. He was better more and more what caused that he appeared regular in next matches. Very well game of player caused that West Hamie United ranged very well position in English league. Lampard played for that team 187 times and shot 39 goals. Many clubs wanted to buy footballers from Upton Park. From the team went the best friend of Frank, Rio Ferdinand. His uncle and father was dismissal and Frank started seriously think about his future. Soon with his family decided that he will sign contract with Chelsea London. He moved there 15 May 2001 for 11 Million pounds.
Friday, April 25, 2008
i'm in class now,
and the faci's gg to different groups,
to see what we've discuss and all.
Havent blogged for like #&*$%^&*(*^%%^& long.
been busy.
go out early early, come home late late.
but the best part is,
time is passing amazingly fast,
&that's good(:
watched Hottie&theNottie the other day
after school with Shu, Drexler, Dino&Ben.
i'll conitnue again tmr or smth.
cos my brain's not functioning well,
&my eyes are small because they cant be opened fully today.
& so
haiya, i'll blog agn tmr.
Plus photos(:
Sally Shapiro - Time To Let Go - Spitzer Remix
U must buy not download from the other
Time To Let Go - Spitzer Remix
Time To Let Go - Spitzer Remix、これいいですよ。上のリンクで2分間試聴出来ますんで。
at Cause=Time
Sally Shapiro at 33/45
Sally Shapiro: Romance Remix Vol. 2 at i guess i'm floating
In A Secret Place, Where You See Through My Face at Hello Vegetables
You Have To Hold On Tight at Hello Vegetables
sally shapiro + lindstrom. at discodust
Micro (Minimal) Post at ::: Off the Radar :::
あと、Cloetta Parisなんて人も居るので、次回紹介しますね。。。
Łajka - the first dog in the space.
Łajka - the dog which was shot on orbit circumterrestrial. She was shot in Soviet satellite which name was "Sputnik 2" 3-rd November 1957. The dog weigh about 6 kg and grew up on streets of Moscow. These two facts (light weight and resistance on hard conditions) caused that she was selected as a passenger for the space ship. Łajka was first on orbit circumterrestrial but she wasn't first on the space, because ZSRR and USA had experimented with send animals on the space.
Course of the flight.
At first, in propagandist aims, it was told the dog survived few days. Truth was proclaim at last in 2002. Łajka died after about 7 hours. Cause of that was overheating and stress. A bearing rocket didn't leave the main rocket what caused a temperature increment inside a capsule to up 40 degrees Celsius. From the beginning didn't plan landing the satellite on the Earth - Łajka will have after 10 days poisoned food. Oxygen was also meant on ten days. Russians proclaimed a ten-days flight plan some time after shot the satellite that is probably after death the dog. It possible that it was in propagandist aim.
Łajka on April 2008 was awarded own 2 meters high statue showing a space rocket, coming to human's hand, on which is standing Łajka. The statue is near scrutinizing institute of military medicine of Ministry Defence of Russia.
Van She - Strangers(new song) and Cat And The Eye Remix!!!!!!!
Van She - Cat And The Eye (Van She Tech Remix)
This Time We’ll Do It For Kicks at Fuck You On Friday