Monday, February 21, 2011

Not So Strange Bedfellows

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Political Pilgrims

The hard left's unsurprising romance with the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist organizations. (Also read: It begins: Qaradawi to lead Friday prayers in Cairo at the Tatler.)
Friday, February 18th, 2011 - by Jamie Glazov

The Left’s political pilgrimage vis-Ă -vis totalitarian monstrosities continues unabated. With the Islamo-Fascist Muslim Brotherhood now poised to share governance in Egypt in the post-Mubarak era, progressives worldwide are salivating with glee. And it’s to be completely expected of course: the Left has a long and eerie tradition of worshiping at the feet of tyrants and terrorists. The Muslim Brotherhood is the ideological forebear of Hamas and al-Qaeda. Its top priorities are to implement Sharia law, annihilate Israel, and purify Egypt from American and Western infections with human blood. Naturally, the Left has now found a new target for a political romance.

The usual suspects are leading the progressive charge: the notorious Obama fundraiser group Code Pink, the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), A.N.S.W.E.R., and the International Action Center (IAC), founded by Ramsey Clark. These leftist groups are now on the frontlines cheering on the Islamists in Egypt as Khomeini-style killing fields loom ominously on the horizon for the Middle Eastern country. Members of the political faith simply can’t contain themselves from worshiping at the feet of tyrants who are set on perpetrating a mass slaughter and are intent on bringing the carnage to America. Anti-American “feminist” Naomi Klein set the tone perfectly a few years back for her comrades when, in a column in The Nation, she enunciated her heartfelt longing for Muqtada al-Sadr’s killing fields to come to New York...

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