Saturday, October 23, 2010

Conan O'Brien...Jack Nicholson mystery guest? Nov 8th on TBS!

No doubt - there will be a lot of hoopla - when Conan O’Brien launches his cable talk show on TBS November 8th.

Although, it is doubtful the lanky stand-up comic will be able to match the avalanche of good press he rustled up impromptu when he exited NBC amid a storm of controversy, just betcha the zany hilarious comic (with the infectious grin) will roar to the top of the ratings heap opening night.

If the promos for Conan’s new baby are indicative of the hilarity to come - I’ll probably hold up on the channel surfing (normally the norm for moi) - until the last credit crawls to a close on the flat state-of-the-art screen.

On the season opener, Seth Rogan and musician Jack White are slated to flop down on the couch - or some reasonable facsimile thereof - and spout off as they’re egged on by old freckle face.
Other  guests putting in an appearance the first week include  Jack McBrayer, Soundgarden, Jon Hamm, Charlyne Yi, Michael Cera, and Julie Bowen.
Apparently, there will be a surprise "unannounced" guest chosen by fans of the show.
Rumor has it that Jack Nicholson may stop by to toast Conan and his new gab fest.
Break a leg, Conan!


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