I would like introduce history of probably one of your most important thing in your life that is TV-set.
The begins of television dates XIX century. The first devices used to analysis were folded of mechanical elements. In 1884's Paul Nipkov made a rotatable shield with spiraly spaced holes. There are also other constructions that is lens of Jenkins and Weiller's mirror wheel.
The first kinescope worked out Karl Ferdinand Braun, his prototype used the rotatable shield of Nipkov and a modified electric lamp of William Crookes.
A works at the television guided also Polish men of science, J. Szczepaniak patented a teletroscope with selecting which was based on a mirror oscillograph. In 1898's M. Wolfke patented a system of remote television, based on a electromagnetic waves. To analyse a picture it used the rotatable shield of Nipkov and as a source modulated light, tube of Geisler. His device enabled already a change of informations about intensity of a chose points of picture to electric value.
The first experimental television transmitters appeared in 1st half of XX century. They worked on a middle-distance streak eg. in Berlin or Moscow. A further expansion was connected with introducing a new electronic lamp. Because of worked out a patentode, which enabled made a cager harder, happend a changes of technology of production kinescopes.
After the second world war it was happening a visible expansion of monochromatic television, standards of transmit were ordered, all of them had already the same sight: interlinear selecting.
I'm glad I could told you some informations and introduce a short history of that miraculous devices which is a TV-set.
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