Real talk, EZ Eddie D is a Dallas legend. He's been doing his show on KNON since I was a youth, YEARS. He's an importer rather than an exporter, he imports the culture in all its colors to KNON and has forever. Dude is real, peep this out. FREE EZ EDDIE D. I feel him, shit happens, keep this man on the air. He spawned A LOT in his years. RESPECT.
Monday, February 28, 2011
REPPINTEXAS: Dallas - EZ Eddie D
Real talk, EZ Eddie D is a Dallas legend. He's been doing his show on KNON since I was a youth, YEARS. He's an importer rather than an exporter, he imports the culture in all its colors to KNON and has forever. Dude is real, peep this out. FREE EZ EDDIE D. I feel him, shit happens, keep this man on the air. He spawned A LOT in his years. RESPECT.
The Saint Matthew Youth Group's 30 Hour Famine
This past weekend, nine Saint Matthew youth and three Saint Matthew adults participated in the World Vision 30 Hour Famine. Giving up food for thirty hours, they experienced the hunger that many people around the world experience. They also raised money to be used by World Vision to feed malnourished and starving people.
This was the first year our congregation's youth participated in the Famine. They set a goal of $150, hoping that maybe they could raise $300. But when the contributions were totaled on Saturday evening, they came to $2017!
During the Famine, we spent some time viewing videos about world hunger and efforts to combat it. We prayed that God would use the Famine experience to sensitize us to the needs of others. We prayed that God would help us to love others with the same love He has shown for the world in Christ.
We also made "Plumpy Nut," a concoction that has been described as the most important weapon in fighting famine and malnutrition in the world today. On Sunday morning, our kids shared it with members of the congregation.
We also had a lot of fun with Wii and Xbox games, board games, movies, and Arena Baseball.
Arena Baseball is something I've been playing with the youth of the churches I've served as pastor for the past twenty-five years. It's sort of a combination of baseball, pinball, and chaos. We like to use soft bats and soft, bouncy baseballs. Here are the basics of Arena Baseball:
The Famine began at noon on Friday, February 25. Participants didn't eat again until 6:00PM on Saturday. We broke the fast with a brief service of Holy Communion in the church chapel at 6:00. One of the youth read Jesus' words in Matthew 25:31-40. Two youth distributed the body and blood of our Lord. After the service, the youth and congregational members and friends who had joined us then enjoyed a great potluck dinner!
Throughout the Famine, I took videos on my cell phone and posted them on Facebook. The videos are embedded below.
In the first two videos, the kids rhapsodize about our white, squishy, bouncy baseball! It helps to be a little crazy if you're going to do a lock-in like this.
As you'll see here, the young women were sometimes hesitant about being videographed while dancing with the Wii dance program.
Our young men were far more sanguine about being videographed. Here they are in their Man Cave playing a video game and listening to country music, courtesy of DJ Jacob.
The kids are gathered in the kitchen for the production of some Plumpy Nut. A report by Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes four years ago will give you some background on Plumpy Nut.
The women's quarters before lights went out on Friday night. Two women from the congregation, both named Sarah. were with the girls throughout. I thank them and Jean, especially for all they did to make the Famine a success! I somehow deleted a couple of videos I had of the guys' quarters on Friday.
The ladies play a game of Pit, the commodities trading game. Stephen and I were taking a break from our game of Cornhole. (He trounced me.)
The two quarters on Saturday morning are shown below. The girls seemed to stir sooner than the boys, although the girls had stayed up later the night before. But the ome of the girls, owing no doubt to being tired as well as hungry, took naps later on Saturday, while the boys didn't.
Arena Baseball is our youth group's national pastime!
In the homestretch, the participants are mostly very quiet...but persevering. None of these kids complained once!
Below, each of the youth who participated reflect on the 30 Hour Famine experience.
I talk with the kids as they write paragraphs on the Famine.
People gather for the Holy Communion service and the potluck, then I ask the kids how the food tastes.
To learn more about the 30 Hour Famine, go here.
This was the first year our congregation's youth participated in the Famine. They set a goal of $150, hoping that maybe they could raise $300. But when the contributions were totaled on Saturday evening, they came to $2017!
During the Famine, we spent some time viewing videos about world hunger and efforts to combat it. We prayed that God would use the Famine experience to sensitize us to the needs of others. We prayed that God would help us to love others with the same love He has shown for the world in Christ.
We also made "Plumpy Nut," a concoction that has been described as the most important weapon in fighting famine and malnutrition in the world today. On Sunday morning, our kids shared it with members of the congregation.
We also had a lot of fun with Wii and Xbox games, board games, movies, and Arena Baseball.
Arena Baseball is something I've been playing with the youth of the churches I've served as pastor for the past twenty-five years. It's sort of a combination of baseball, pinball, and chaos. We like to use soft bats and soft, bouncy baseballs. Here are the basics of Arena Baseball:
- All balls that are hit are fair, even those hit behind home plate.
- First base is where third base usually is.
- Second base is where first base usually is.
- Third base is where second base usually is.
- Balls and strikes aren't counted.
- As in kickball, you can throw a person out by throwing the ball at them and hitting them. (That's why soft, bouncy balls are preferred.)
- The game is played indoors and the best rooms in which to play it are ones with lots of hard surfaces and numerous nooks and crannies, the better to cause the ball to bounce and rattle around crazily, creating general chaos and laughter.
The Famine began at noon on Friday, February 25. Participants didn't eat again until 6:00PM on Saturday. We broke the fast with a brief service of Holy Communion in the church chapel at 6:00. One of the youth read Jesus' words in Matthew 25:31-40. Two youth distributed the body and blood of our Lord. After the service, the youth and congregational members and friends who had joined us then enjoyed a great potluck dinner!
Throughout the Famine, I took videos on my cell phone and posted them on Facebook. The videos are embedded below.
In the first two videos, the kids rhapsodize about our white, squishy, bouncy baseball! It helps to be a little crazy if you're going to do a lock-in like this.
As you'll see here, the young women were sometimes hesitant about being videographed while dancing with the Wii dance program.
Our young men were far more sanguine about being videographed. Here they are in their Man Cave playing a video game and listening to country music, courtesy of DJ Jacob.
The kids are gathered in the kitchen for the production of some Plumpy Nut. A report by Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes four years ago will give you some background on Plumpy Nut.
The women's quarters before lights went out on Friday night. Two women from the congregation, both named Sarah. were with the girls throughout. I thank them and Jean, especially for all they did to make the Famine a success! I somehow deleted a couple of videos I had of the guys' quarters on Friday.
The ladies play a game of Pit, the commodities trading game. Stephen and I were taking a break from our game of Cornhole. (He trounced me.)
The two quarters on Saturday morning are shown below. The girls seemed to stir sooner than the boys, although the girls had stayed up later the night before. But the ome of the girls, owing no doubt to being tired as well as hungry, took naps later on Saturday, while the boys didn't.
Arena Baseball is our youth group's national pastime!
In the homestretch, the participants are mostly very quiet...but persevering. None of these kids complained once!
Below, each of the youth who participated reflect on the 30 Hour Famine experience.
I talk with the kids as they write paragraphs on the Famine.
People gather for the Holy Communion service and the potluck, then I ask the kids how the food tastes.
To learn more about the 30 Hour Famine, go here.
The Entitled Party
Obama is in contempt
February 28, 2011
By Karin McQuillan
President Obama and the left wing of the Democratic Party think they are entitled to win. From our narcissistic President to screaming union organizers, they are puffed up with self-righteous zeal. They must have health care to save the sick, they must shut down Louisiana oil rigs to save the planet, they must defend government unions to save the middle class.
Of course, each side thinks they are right. Being right is no excuse. You have to abide by the law, you have to abide by elections, you have to respect the courts and constitutional separation of power, or else we no longer live in a democratic country. In our democracy, no one is entitled to win. If you won't lose, you cannot have democracy.
What you have are the Wisconsin Democrat senators who are unwilling to abide by the election results that put them in a minority. What you have is Reid and Pelosi, ramming Obamacare through by breaking rules of procedure, in order to flout the 2010 election results. What you have is the Obama White House, blocking Congress's right to confirm appointees, and openly ignoring federal courts. What you have is the Justice Department announcing it will no longer defend the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act in court, as if Obama gets to decide which laws are constitutional. What you have is a Democratic Party run amok, undercutting our democracy in the service of their own power.
The complacency, nay, the vociferous support, from Democrat leaders and the legacy media for this disregard for the rule of law reminds me of the old joke about the psychiatrist. A man is sent by his family to see a shrink because he thinks he's a chicken. After months of treatment, he is still clucking. The family asks the psychiatrist if he's told his patient he is not a chicken. "No," the psychiatrist admits. "Why not!" "Because I like the eggs."
The Democrats like the eggs. They like imposing their will, whether it be ObamaCare, or the off-shore drilling moratorium, or the blockage of Wisconsin's elected government. Are they really this short-sighted? Don't they understand the damage to our democratic system by these anti-democratic precedents? Do they really want to change congressional rules so that the House and the Senate version of bills no longer have to be reconciled, as they did to jam ObamaCare through by the fiction it was a finance bill? Do they really want the Interior Department ignoring federal court orders? Do they really want state senators refusing to accept that when you lose an election, the other side gets to pass their agenda?
Obama appointed extremists for important administrative positions, controversial and even creepy people, like Van Jones, whom he knew would not get past Congressional confirmation. The checks and balances between executive and legislative branch were instituted by our founders for this exact purpose. The executive nominates but Congress must confirm -- bedrock principles of American democracy. Obama's answer: flout the law. Call his appointees 'czars' and bypass confirmation. This is not legal and it is not democracy. Do the liberal legacy media and Obama's fellow Democrats want presidents to have this unlimited power? Do they really want to give up the safeguards of congressional confirmation by calling appointees czars?
Czars indeed.
The White House is not only ignoring elections and subverting the power of Congress, it is also willing to disobey federal courts. When the health care bill was challenged in court and the administration lost, Obama ignored the ruling of Justice Roger Vinson of the U.S. District Court in Florida. Judge Vinson declared the entire ObamaCare bill unconstitutional in a ruling that the judge stated was the equivalent of an injunction. The White House has not halted implementation. The White house has not followed normal rules to fast-track the appeal process so the Supreme Court can decide. Our White House seems entirely comfortable to show contempt of court.
In Louisiana, the administration didn't like a court ruling lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling, so what did the Obama administration do? It ignored the court. In response, on February 2, the U.S. District Court Judge Martin Feldman held the Department of Interior in contempt. The Administration then adopted a go slow policy and did not issue a single permit. So on February 21, Judge Feldman ordered the Obama administration to act on five deep water drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico within 30 days, calling the delays in issuing new decisions "unreasonable, unacceptable, and unjustified." We have a White House that places its anti-energy policy above the rule of law. This is unacceptable in a democracy.
Democracy is a complex system based on cultural norms and principles as much as institutions. As we see governments topple in the context of resurgent jihadi movements in the Arab world, we are keenly aware that elections alone rarely lead to democracy. George Washington was an almost unique figure in the history of the world, in that he relinquished power. Our founding fathers were political geniuses who gave us a system of checks and balances to curb misuse of power by those who govern. As Americans, we are privileged to witness the recurring, orderly transfer of power from one administration to the next, through which voters get to determine the direction of their government and correct mistakes and imbalances.
We are seeing in both the Obama White House and the Wisconsin Senate that the Democratic Party is unwilling to lose. Over and over in the past two years, we have seen a Democrat administration willing to flout the courts, flout rules and regulations, and flout the voice of the people as expressed in elections.
Disregard for the democratic limits on power is as important as the administration's fiscal irresponsibility that threatens our prosperity, as important as the explosive growth of bureaucracy that threatens our liberties.
Our democracy cannot survive if only the Republican Party cares about it. It is time for centrist Democrats to throw off the power grab by the radical wing of their party and start defending the Constitution, as they have sworn to do. 20 Comments on "The Entitled Party"
Obama is in contempt
February 28, 2011
By Karin McQuillan
President Obama and the left wing of the Democratic Party think they are entitled to win. From our narcissistic President to screaming union organizers, they are puffed up with self-righteous zeal. They must have health care to save the sick, they must shut down Louisiana oil rigs to save the planet, they must defend government unions to save the middle class.
Of course, each side thinks they are right. Being right is no excuse. You have to abide by the law, you have to abide by elections, you have to respect the courts and constitutional separation of power, or else we no longer live in a democratic country. In our democracy, no one is entitled to win. If you won't lose, you cannot have democracy.
What you have are the Wisconsin Democrat senators who are unwilling to abide by the election results that put them in a minority. What you have is Reid and Pelosi, ramming Obamacare through by breaking rules of procedure, in order to flout the 2010 election results. What you have is the Obama White House, blocking Congress's right to confirm appointees, and openly ignoring federal courts. What you have is the Justice Department announcing it will no longer defend the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act in court, as if Obama gets to decide which laws are constitutional. What you have is a Democratic Party run amok, undercutting our democracy in the service of their own power.
The complacency, nay, the vociferous support, from Democrat leaders and the legacy media for this disregard for the rule of law reminds me of the old joke about the psychiatrist. A man is sent by his family to see a shrink because he thinks he's a chicken. After months of treatment, he is still clucking. The family asks the psychiatrist if he's told his patient he is not a chicken. "No," the psychiatrist admits. "Why not!" "Because I like the eggs."
The Democrats like the eggs. They like imposing their will, whether it be ObamaCare, or the off-shore drilling moratorium, or the blockage of Wisconsin's elected government. Are they really this short-sighted? Don't they understand the damage to our democratic system by these anti-democratic precedents? Do they really want to change congressional rules so that the House and the Senate version of bills no longer have to be reconciled, as they did to jam ObamaCare through by the fiction it was a finance bill? Do they really want the Interior Department ignoring federal court orders? Do they really want state senators refusing to accept that when you lose an election, the other side gets to pass their agenda?
Obama appointed extremists for important administrative positions, controversial and even creepy people, like Van Jones, whom he knew would not get past Congressional confirmation. The checks and balances between executive and legislative branch were instituted by our founders for this exact purpose. The executive nominates but Congress must confirm -- bedrock principles of American democracy. Obama's answer: flout the law. Call his appointees 'czars' and bypass confirmation. This is not legal and it is not democracy. Do the liberal legacy media and Obama's fellow Democrats want presidents to have this unlimited power? Do they really want to give up the safeguards of congressional confirmation by calling appointees czars?
Czars indeed.
The White House is not only ignoring elections and subverting the power of Congress, it is also willing to disobey federal courts. When the health care bill was challenged in court and the administration lost, Obama ignored the ruling of Justice Roger Vinson of the U.S. District Court in Florida. Judge Vinson declared the entire ObamaCare bill unconstitutional in a ruling that the judge stated was the equivalent of an injunction. The White House has not halted implementation. The White house has not followed normal rules to fast-track the appeal process so the Supreme Court can decide. Our White House seems entirely comfortable to show contempt of court.
In Louisiana, the administration didn't like a court ruling lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling, so what did the Obama administration do? It ignored the court. In response, on February 2, the U.S. District Court Judge Martin Feldman held the Department of Interior in contempt. The Administration then adopted a go slow policy and did not issue a single permit. So on February 21, Judge Feldman ordered the Obama administration to act on five deep water drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico within 30 days, calling the delays in issuing new decisions "unreasonable, unacceptable, and unjustified." We have a White House that places its anti-energy policy above the rule of law. This is unacceptable in a democracy.
Democracy is a complex system based on cultural norms and principles as much as institutions. As we see governments topple in the context of resurgent jihadi movements in the Arab world, we are keenly aware that elections alone rarely lead to democracy. George Washington was an almost unique figure in the history of the world, in that he relinquished power. Our founding fathers were political geniuses who gave us a system of checks and balances to curb misuse of power by those who govern. As Americans, we are privileged to witness the recurring, orderly transfer of power from one administration to the next, through which voters get to determine the direction of their government and correct mistakes and imbalances.
We are seeing in both the Obama White House and the Wisconsin Senate that the Democratic Party is unwilling to lose. Over and over in the past two years, we have seen a Democrat administration willing to flout the courts, flout rules and regulations, and flout the voice of the people as expressed in elections.
Disregard for the democratic limits on power is as important as the administration's fiscal irresponsibility that threatens our prosperity, as important as the explosive growth of bureaucracy that threatens our liberties.
Our democracy cannot survive if only the Republican Party cares about it. It is time for centrist Democrats to throw off the power grab by the radical wing of their party and start defending the Constitution, as they have sworn to do. 20 Comments on "The Entitled Party"
Pat Condell on Muslim WH Rally - AND MORE!
The enemy within - THIS ONE IS VERY IMPORTANT!
Thank God for Andy Choudary
Free speech in Europe - Leftists and Islamists
No mosque at Ground Zero
Bad faith at Ground Zero
I'm in impressed with how many maxi dresses Anhtro has this season, have you noticed? I'm sure you have, hard to miss. And now, I love most of them. The block colored ones and the patterned too. I'm a big maxi dresses girl. I love how easy they are to wear and that they wear up and down depending on the occasion. LOVE. Cant wait for summer!
Oscars...Starlets & Studs stumble on fashion circuit @ Kodak Theatre! Swank surprisingly feminine!
Horizontal line at flubber waist a no-no
(Virginia Madsen)
Quite a few of the fair sex alighted from sleek black limos purring at the curb on Hollywood Boulevard last night in dazzling cocktail frocks fashioned in blood-red, as their macho counterparts abandoned the peacock "look" in favor of chic black finely-cut silhouettes, and a daring fashionista-or-two took a gamble on stylish adventures which more-often-than-not came apart at the seams when the prying eyes of the paparazzi zeroed in.
In sum, the little Gold Statuette has - for the most part - taken a back seat to the fashion circuit as a rule, as savvy social-climbing starlets (and enterprising studs on their bejewelled pearly-white arms) turn out to best one-another in outfits that amount to a handful of misguided silken threads tossed over bodacious - sometimes bimbo-inspired - half-naked bods.
A chic understated look is preferable to moi, but some - like hefty Queen Latifa, for example - have tossed caution (and their considerable weight) to the wind with disastrous results.
The God-awful trend - riddled with one glaring faux pas after another - persisted on the red carpet at the 83rd Annual Oscar Award at the Kodak Theatre last evening.
Although one of the beaming hosts (Anne Hathaway) snapped up nods of approval for her pretty frothy frock - over-sized mamma's like Virginia Madsen - caused style icons to twitter on the sidelines:
"Gosh, if only the fat lady would sing! This fashion fiasco could call it a night!"
A gaggle of par-tay stalwarts sashayed down the gauntlet in get-ups - Michelle Williams and Reese Witherspoon, for starters - that flip-flopped.
Nicole Kidman was beaded, padded, and fit to be tried - by the fashion police - by golly!
Meanwhile, Helena Bonham Carter was strapping - and strapless - with scraggly "do" crowning the unsightly mixed-up mash.
On-the-other-hand, Marissa Tomei's virginal spring special was overly-designed with matronly fashion flourishes, that bogged her youthfulness down.
Gwyneth Paltrow was a sexy bombshell, alright - which left a nasty aftertaste, though - metallic as hell.
And - sigh - Melissa Leo was obviously sleep-walking in her poorly-fitting gown which appeared to be fashioned out of a bath-room curtain or two.
Annette Bening's slinky cocktail nightmare was inside-out with unsightly seams showing.
Halle Berry - known as "scary Berry" in divorce circles - was sparkly, however.
The town was a-buz in respect to sultry Mila Kunis, who tripped-the-light-fantastic in a showy-gown splashed up with nubile flesh, which hinted at naivety.
Hailee Steinfeld - in Royal Blue (wrinkled) fabric - was too darn matronly (if 'ya ask me!).
As to the dudes, well, James Franco couldn't hold a candle to Marilyn (or any dummy female impersonator stupid enough to try to capture her dazzling star persona on-stage-or-off).
Billy Crystal?
If the lapels on that tux were any wider, he'd take flight when the next gust of wind fluttered in, unexpectedly.
Nope not even the zesty vigor (or sexy appeal) of the great white hope - James Franco - was capable of boosting up the boot-straps of a posse of fops, fellas!
For instance, Russell Brand's purply-hued suit - teamed with a clashing striped shirt and lifeless black tie - screamed out the obvious:
"Big bucks can't buy 'ya taste (or love, for that matter, either)."
If Billy Crystal's lapels were any wider, he would have blown away in the stratosphere next big gust of wind!
Christian Bale (winner of best supporting actor for The Fighter) was in the right corner when he elected to sport a chic black designer suit and dark tie.
But, poor grooming - and bold-faced efforts to attain a wild he-man persona - nixed the otherwise fashionably-attired effort.
Colin Firth, Zachary Levi, Justin Timberlake, Mark Buffalo, andGeoffrey Rush sported sporting black or dark grey tuxedos from popular designers such as Tom Ford or Gucci.
No wonder folks mentioned above either ended up on my Best or Worst Dressed list for 2010.
Need a reminder about "Who's Who" on the fashion victim list?
Post: 01/01/2011
Post: 12/29/2010
By the way, there were quite a few humorous moments during the CBS Broadcast, too.
Off-the-cuff humor - on the heels of live! stage disasters - included Hathaway's quick ad-lib about "folks needing a drink at home" - after she tripped over a best-actress-winner intro.
Meanwhile, critics compared James Franco's low-key style to that of a laid-back monologue for flicks like drug-themed comedies such as "Pineapple Express".
Did he ever actually say the word - "Dude" on air?
At times, Anne and James also poked fun at each other and the Network for their ratings-inspired folly.
"Anne, I must say you look so beautiful and so hip," Franco gushed at one point on stage.
"Thank you, James," Hathaway giggled,
"You look very appealing to a younger demographic, as well."
I expect that due to the overall dismal reaction to the Oscar extravaganza (yawn!) last night, that hosting duties will return to the predictable old farts next year.
See 'ya there!

Hillary Swank surprisingly feminine
(instead of so butch!)
Coates Bluff Nature Trail Clean-up Day is Sat, March 12, 9 am to noon, Shreveport
Coates Bluff Community Clean-up Day is Sat, March 12, 9 am til noon, says Jon Soul.
Ways to become involved:
1) Come to the event!
2) Come to one or both of the following organizational meetings --
* Friday, March 4 at 3pm at The Montessori School for Shreveport
* Friday, March 11 at 3pm at The Hopewell Cemetery
3) Come to the ABS meeting, Monday, March 7 at 6pm at CoHabitat to discuss future plans for the Coates Bluff trail/greenway.
Please RSVP, ( or call 572.4080, for the organizational meetings.
Ways to become involved:
1) Come to the event!
2) Come to one or both of the following organizational meetings --
* Friday, March 4 at 3pm at The Montessori School for Shreveport
* Friday, March 11 at 3pm at The Hopewell Cemetery
3) Come to the ABS meeting, Monday, March 7 at 6pm at CoHabitat to discuss future plans for the Coates Bluff trail/greenway.
Please RSVP, ( or call 572.4080, for the organizational meetings.
Kim Kardashian naked, silver pic
Kim Kardashian naked, silver pic Kim Kardashian got completely naked (NSFW pictures here) except for some silver paint for, I have no idea, some magazine (update - W magazine, apparently). Does it even matter. Hopefully it’s for Halloween. This is easily the best robot costume I’ve ever seen. Kourtney and Kim Take New York" Sunday, we see Kardashian's meltdown as she gets the photos from the full-frontal photo shoot she did covered in silver paint
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Pakistan News
Archbishop Desmond participate in Sermon @ Grace Cathedral! San Francisco!


But, shortly after a "Contemplative Eucharist" was underway at Grace Cathedral last evening on Nob Hill, it was announced that Archbishop Desmond Tutu would be participating in a Sermon next Sunday (March 6th) at 11 a.m.
After noting that the Nobel Peace Prize-winner would be attending a closed-door session on Thursday night, the Reverend was quick to warn the parishioners about the potential pitfalls of trotting in late next week.
"Arrive early! The pews will probably be filled at Grace Cathedral," she urged with a broad smile on her cherubic face.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu was born in 1931 in Klerksdorp (Transvaal).
The Holy Man's father was a teacher.
Not surprisingly, Tutu first trained as a teacher at Pretoria Bantu Normal College.
After graduating from the University of South Africa in 1954, Desmond toiled as a high school teacher, before his studies on theology commenced.
The charismatic leader was ordained as a priest in 1960.
From 1967 to 1972 - Tutu taught theology in South Africa - before returning to England for three years as the assistant director of a theological institute in London (England).
In 1975, the highly spiritual soul was appointed the Dean of St. Mary's Cathedral in Johannesburg (the first black to hold the position).
Tutu later became General Secretary of the South African Council of Churches - where he formulated his opinions on the importance of observing "democratic just societies without racial division" - which touted:
1. equal civil rights for all
2. the abolition of South Africa's passport laws
3. a common system of education
4. the cessation of forced deportation from South Africa to the so-called "homelands"
The South African Council of Churches is a contact organization for the churches of South Africa and functions as a National Committee for the World Council of Churches.
By the way, if you've never attended an evening service at Grace Cathedral, give it the old college try!
Last night's scripture-reading was particularly uplifting.
In particular, I found that the "sounding" of the bell" - which chimed periodically throughout the service - resonated to the core of my being.
The "Alleluia" refrain - sung to perfection by the choir and parishioners - caused hearts, minds, and spirits to soar joyously!
The Contemplative Eucharist is calendared for Sundays @ 6 p.m.
Background Feature
Post: 01/20/2008
See 'ya there!
(God Willing)
Grace Cathedral
1100 California Street
San Francisco, CA
Fault line in Mew Zealand
Grace accepting donations for New Zealand Earthquake Victims!
Oscars 2011 Superlatives Go To Kirk Douglas, Christian Bale, More Really, how else could we honor 'He Doesn't Own a Shirt'?
The stage has gone quiet at the Kodak Theatre. The celebs have all gone home. Everyone is heavy-lidded and hazily recollecting the winners and losers at the 83rd Academy Awards on Sunday. Along those lines, it's time for MTV News to fight off the sleepiness, down some caffeine and dole out some Oscar superlatives.
Best Attempt to Make the Show Run Long:
Kirk Douglas' assigned task was to hand out the Best Supporting Actress, but when the 94-year-old actor finally reached the microphone, he was in no hurry to cede the spotlight. Douglas joked with James Franco, flirted with Anne Hathaway, and made random references to laughing Australians and austere Brits. It was touching and awkward and utterly memorable. And it felt like it lasted 15 minutes.
Most Surprisingly Great Speech:
This one is a tie between Christian Bale (Supporting Actor) and "King's Speech" writer David Seidler (Original Screenplay). Bale surprised even himself when he fought off tears while thanking his wife and daughter. Seidler, meanwhile, happily acknowledged being the oldest person ever to win Original Screenplay; not only is he a proud late-bloomer, he's a shining and articulate example of the ways in which a person can overcome a stutter.
Read: Oscars 2011 Superlatives Go To Kirk Douglas, Christian Bale, More
Pakistan News
Best Attempt to Make the Show Run Long:
Kirk Douglas' assigned task was to hand out the Best Supporting Actress, but when the 94-year-old actor finally reached the microphone, he was in no hurry to cede the spotlight. Douglas joked with James Franco, flirted with Anne Hathaway, and made random references to laughing Australians and austere Brits. It was touching and awkward and utterly memorable. And it felt like it lasted 15 minutes.
Most Surprisingly Great Speech:
This one is a tie between Christian Bale (Supporting Actor) and "King's Speech" writer David Seidler (Original Screenplay). Bale surprised even himself when he fought off tears while thanking his wife and daughter. Seidler, meanwhile, happily acknowledged being the oldest person ever to win Original Screenplay; not only is he a proud late-bloomer, he's a shining and articulate example of the ways in which a person can overcome a stutter.
Read: Oscars 2011 Superlatives Go To Kirk Douglas, Christian Bale, More
Pakistan News
Charlie Sheen 'Today' show interview: I've got tiger blood, Adonis DNA, and I'm tired of pretending I'm not special
Charlie Sheen says he's a warlock with tiger blood and Adonis DNA who deserves to be making $3 million an episode for "Two and a Half Men." He says CBS, which shut down production on the show for the remainder of the season after last week's rants, owes him "a big one, publicly, while licking my feet." He says he cured his own addiction problems by closing his eyes and making it so. "I'm tired of pretending I'm not special," he tells NBC's Jeff Rossen. "You can't process me with a normal brain."
Perhaps the best moment of the must-see interview, filmed Sunday at the Beverly Hills home Sheen now shares with his two "goddesses" (a porn star and a model), came when Rossen asked Sheen whether he was now sober. "Look at me," says the haggard, ranting Sheen. "Duh!"
Sheen (who also gave an interview to ABC that will air tomorrow) says that CBS is waging a war against him. "They're trying to destroy my family, so I take great umbrage with that. And defeat is not an option. They picked a fight with a warlock." When asked exactly CBS was trying to destroy Sheen's family, he said: "They're trying to take all my money and leave me with no means to support my family," says Sheen, who admits he has been making "roughly" $2 million an episode this year and says he's got a number of great movie offers on the table.
Sheen, who has struggled with sobriety for two decades, also targeted Alcoholics Anonymous once again, saying the 12-step program was authored by a "broken-down fool who was a plagiarist ... They think it was a one-size-fits-all, but it didn't fit me." He doesn't rule out some Champagne or wine in the future, because, after all, that's how one celebrates. But he's not worried about slipping back into addiction. That script, he says, "was written for nomal people, people who aren't special, people who don't have tiger blood and Adonis DNA." (You'd think someone with Adonis DNA wouldn't require some help in the hair department, though.)
Read More: Charlie Sheen 'Today' show interview: I've got tiger blood, Adonis DNA, and I'm tired of pretending I'm not special
Pakistan News
Calanthean Temple Roof Garden dance on Texas Avenue, 1936: Bert Benton and His Original Night Hawks
Bert Benton and His Original Night Hawks - Calanthean Temple Roof (April 1936)
Originally uploaded by hotdonuts
Brown writes, "Advertisement for Bert Benton and His Original Night Hawks performing at the Calanthean Temple Roof (April 13, 1936). Promoter: Ike McKinney. City: Shreveport, Louisiana.
'Opening dance' likely refers to the first dance of the season. According to Shreveport Sun articles, dances were hosted at the Calanthean Roof as early as 1930. This is the earliest published advertisement for a dance at the Calanthean Temple that I've located.
Source: The Shreveport Sun (April 11, 1936)."

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